Funeral Arrangements for Harold Gibson

Harold's daughter - Anita - has asked me to pass on the details of her father's funeral arrangements. Sadly I never met Harold but wish that I had done simply because of the enduring things I have heard across the diocese. His involvement within the guild went beyond peal ringing - he just happened to ring in the guild's first peal of Londinium Maximus - and to being a member of the Cathedral Companie. Beyond that he was out and about locally encouraging and teaching local bands and pretty useful in towers and their maintenance. Even outings continued with his knowledge of transport repair!!

Funeral Details

The celebration of his life and funeral will take place on

Wednesday 9th April
at 2.00pm
at Lincoln Cathedral

followed by a private family ceremony at The Crematorium.

After the Cathedral Service - Anita and family invite you to meet together to remember Harold close to the Cathedral at the Lincoln Hotel, Eastgate

Parking - as everyone knows close by is at a premium - there will be limited availability at The Lincoln Hotel.

Should you wish to join Anita and family at The Lincoln Hotel - to help with catering requirements please contact me on [email protected]

Keith Butter