Handlist Introduction Handlist by Subject
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Campanological Handlist by Author
AASRP | = | Associated Architectural Societies Reports and Papers |
p | = | page |
pp | = | pages |
Vol | = | Volume |
No. | = | Number |
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Abbott, P. S. : 'Rings of Four Bells in Huntingdonshire' in The Ringing
World 20 January 1967 p.35, 27 January 1967 p.61 and 17 March 1967
Adams, D. 'The Eaton Railway 1896-1947' in The Ringing World 9
August 1996 pp.801-4
Agg, R. Hertford County Association: 'The Hertford County Association
of Change Ringers' in The Ringing World 18 May 1984 pp.420-1, 429;
'The Hertford C.A. Centenary' by Rex Agg in The Ringing World 26
October 1984 p.905, 910-12
Aldoshina, I. and Nicaranov, A. 'The Investigation of Acoustical
Characteristics of Russian Bells'. Audio Engineering Society 108th
Convention, 2000 Preprint 5117. [Note by Bill Hibbert : Good
bibliography of Russian bell sources. It can be found on this web site http://www.russianbells.com/acoustics/NICANOROV-Acoustics.pdf.]
Arnold, Edward (bellfounder): 'An 18th century
recommendation' [Edward Arnold recommended to Dean of Lincoln by
William Ludlam in 1785] by Cyril A. Wratten in The Ringing World 5
October 1973 p.795
Arts, J. 'The Sound of Bells � Jottings from my experiences in the
domain of the sound of bells' in Journal of the Acoustical Society
of America; 9:344-347 1938 (Reprinted in Rossing � see below)
Asher, Isaac: 'From an old notebook' [letters on ringing written for an
unspecified journal by Isaac Asher of Great Gonerby, Lincolnshire, in
1898] by M.J. Belcher in The Ringing World 16 March 1973 p.206
Ayres, R. A. : 'The Eayres family' in The Ringing World 5 September
1975 p.735
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Badcock, R. : 'Bell welding � 15
years experience' in The Ringing World 12 August 1983 pp.664-5
Bagot, Hervey : 'Bells of the Barossa' by Hervey Bagot in Journal of the Friends of Lutheran
Archives no.20 (Oct 2000) pp.9-16
Bailey, G. : 'The Bells of St.Peter's Derby' in the Journal of the
Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Vol.21 pp.90-
94 and 'Notes on the bells of St.Peter's Derby' [after repair and
augmentation] in ibid Vol.24 pp.55-6
Bailey, R. T. : 'The Bells of St.Peter's Church, Liverpool' in the
Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
Vol.67 pp.124-40
Bailey, Roger 'Using a computer to compose peals'. (Unpublished thesis,
M. Tech., Brunel University, 1978)
Barber, Charles: 'Charles Barber's Book' by William T. Cook in Ringing
World 30 August 1974 pp.707-8; letter from Cyril A. Wratten in The Ringing
World 27 September 1974 p.790
Barbour, James : 'The campanology of Dumfries and Galloway � The Bells of Dumfries'
in The Transactions and Journal of Proceedings of the Dumfries and
Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Session 1892-3 no.9, pp.130-7
Barnet, E. A. .: 'Albert G. Driver' by E.A. Barnett in The Ringing World
20 November 1981 p.1010
Barnett, E. A. : 'James Barham's tombstone' by E.A. Barnett in
Ringing World 19 November 1971 p.1002 (with a photograph)
Barron, Caroline M. : 'Johanna Hill (d.
1441) and Johanna Sturdy (d.c.1460. Bell-Founders' in Barron, C. M. and
Sutton, A. P. (Eds.) Medieval London Widows (London 1994)
Barton, Dale : 'All Saints, Gosforth (1901-1936), Tyne & Wear' by
Dale Barton in The Ringing World 18 February 1977 pp.133-4 and 25
February 1977 p.175
Batson, H. M. : 'Welford church bells and their inscriptions' in The
Berks, Bucks and Oxon Archaeological Journal Vol.II p.85
Batty, Rev R. E. : 'Church Bells' in The Records of Buckinghamshire
Vol.I (1854) pp.117-124 and 153-169
Bayliss, Alexandra 'Pre-Reformation bells and bellfounders from the
City of London'. Part I Text. Part II Appendices (Unpublished
dissertation, University College, London, 1988)
Bayliss, John, Thomas Hall, Thomas Gay, Thomas Bingham, William
Chattell, John Hopkins, Thomas Hobday, Isaac John Benjamin Lates,
Emanuel Stokes, Thomas Day, John Walker, Robert Roberts, and Henry
Johnson in Bell News 29 June to 21 September 1895 (pp.52-195 passim)
Beacham, D. : "100th anniversary of Worcester Cathedral bells" in The Ringing
World 12 January 1979 pp.47-8
Beacham, D. : 'A piece of ringing history at All Saints, Worcester'
[song on the famous peal of 7308 Grandsire Caters rung in 1774] in The Ringing
World 12 April 1991 p.347
Beckerlegge, J. J. : 'The Bell of the Lighthouse on Plymouth
Breakwater' [a bell of 31-3-13 by G.Mears 1862] in the Transactions
of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Art, Literature
and Science Vol.68 pp.325-9
Beckman. Paul and Blanchard, John : 'The Spire of Holy Trinity
Coventry' in The Arup Journall Dec. 1980 pp. 6-14
Belcher, M. 'The Rev. Henry Law James and Surfleet' by Michael Belcher
in The Ringing World 20/27 December 1974 pp.1058-9
Benson, G. : 'York Bellfounders' in AASRP Vol.XXVII pp.623-49
Benton, G. M. : 'Miles Graye of Colchester and Saffron Walden' in the Transactions
of the Essex Archaeological Society (New Series) Vol.18 pp.69-71
Bevis, T. A. : 'Alfred Bowell's final bell' [Doddington, Cambs � and a
general account of the foundry] in The Ringing World 23 November
2001 p.1162; followed by letter from Chris Pickford in The Ringing World
7 Dec.2001 p.1227
Bevis, T. A. : Fulbourn, Cambs: 'A tower fell down' in The Ringing World
19/26 December 1975 p.1040
Bicknell, S. : 'Temperament, A Beginner's Guide' [Note by Bill Hibbert : Helpful introduction
to the various temperaments and tunings.]
Bint, J.M.G. 'Devon call-change ringing & its roots in oral
tradition'. (Unpublished B.Mus. (Hons.) dissertation University of
Birmingham, May 1997)
Bird, P. 'Frederick G. May' (of Bristol): Note by Patrick Bird in
Ringing World 13 July 2001 p.718
Blagg, T.F.C. : 'The development of bell-casting, and some
Nottinghamshire bell-founders' in Southwell and Nottinghamshire:
Medieval Art, Architecture and Industry edited by Jennifer S.
Alexander (British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions
XXI) 1998 pp.126-135 and pl.XLIa and b
Bliss, E. Mary : 'Gloucester Cathedral' in The Ringing World 3
December 1976 p.1006
Bliss, Mary : Winstone, Glos: Article on church and bells and plans for
restoration in The Ringing World 21 July 1978 pp.601-2; Report of
rehanging in The Ringing World 7 March 1980 p.220
Blockley, K. 'Pershore Abbey : Excavations in the Choir, Crossing and
Transepts, 1996' in Transactions of the Worcestershire
Archaeological Society Third Series Vol 17, 2000 [Eds. Note
contains evidence of bell casting in the church]
Bloe, J. W. and the Rev. C.H. Stoker Brinsop, Herefs: 'The Bells of
Brinsop' in the Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club
1930 p.lxxxii
Bloomfield, Canon : 'Church Bells' in the Journal of the Chester
Archaeological Society (Old Series) Vol.III pp.461-470 [notes on
Cheshire bells]
Bond, Rev P. N. : 'Some Church Bells of the Channel Islands today' by
the Rev. P.N. Bond in The Ringing World 23 March 1973 p.234
Botha, A : 'A survey of the development of pitch perception theories,
their application to bell sounds and an investigation' (Unpublished
M.Sc. thesis, Rhodes University, January 1998)
Botha, A. 'Investigating Bell Vibrations and Timbre from the
Perspective of Physics and Music Psychology' (Unpublished MSc Thesis
Rhodes University Grahamstown SA 1996) [Note by Bill Hibbert : Research
work sponsored by Eayre & Smith]
Boughey, Rev A. F. : 'Ancient church bells in Cambridge' in the
Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society Vol.21 pp.74-82
Boulter, W. C. : 'Inscriptions on the Church Bells of the East Riding'
in the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal Vol.II (1873) pp.82-6,
215-225 and Vol.III (1875) pp.26-32, 404-7
Bowden, N. 'Lists of Bells by Llewellins and James of Bristol'. . This
paper can be found on the following web site : http://www.bellhistorians.org.uk/regional.htm.
Bowden, R. : 'More informatioin on the Rev H. T. Ellacombe and his
family' in The Ringing World 31 January 1997 pp 111-2.
Box, W. E. George, James: 'The Greatest Living Ringer' by W.E. Box in The Ringing
World 23 January 1981 p.74; 60th birthday party programme [1913] in
The Ringing World 15 January 1982 p.56
Bray, M. I. : 'Of cards and carillons'
[bell postcards and trade cards etc] in The Ringing World 8 October
1982 pp.840-1
Brooke, C. (ed)
(1994) The Archaeology of Bellframes: Recording & Preservation.
Nottingham: Nottinghamshire County Council in association with
Institute of Field Archaeologists Buildings Special Interest Group
Brown, Jack 'Ringing in Bristol from the turn of the century' - in
Ringing World 10 December 1976 pp.1041-2
Brown, R. : 'A Short History of the Leeds and District Amalgamated
Society of Change Ringers' in The Ringing World 31 July 1970 p.604
and 7 August 1970 p.624
Brushfield, T. N. : 'The Pennington Family Bell Founders' in the
Western Antiquary Vol.7 pp.249-51
Bryant, D. J. 'History and Use of Semitone Bells'. This paper can we
found on the following web site : http://www.bellhistorians.org.uk/regional.htm.
Bryant, D : 'The History of the Dumb Bell' by David Bryant in
Ringing World 15 March 2002 pp.261-2
Bryant, D. : 'The Lost Bells of York' by David Bryant � Part I in
Ringing World 13 Sept.2002 pp.942-3, Part II in The Ringing World
20 Sept.2002 pp.965-6
Bull, A. 'Church Bells of the Monmouth Diocese' This paper can be found
on the following web site :
Bull, A. 'Glamorgan Bells' This paper can be found on the following web
site : http://www.bellhistorians.org.uk/regional.htm
Bull, A. 'Glamorgan Bells' This paper can be found on the following web
site : http://www.bellhistorians.org.uk/regional.htm
Bull, A. 'Gloucestershire Bells' This paper can be found on the
following web site : http://www.bellhistorians.org.uk/regional.htm
Bull, A. 'West Midland Bells' This paper can be found on the following
web site : http://www.bellhistorians.org.uk/regional.htm
Bull, A. : 'The life and times of All Saints' Church, Newport, Gwent'
in The Ringing World 19 January 1996 pp.57-8, 63
Buswell, A. J.Hemispherical bells: 'A Hemispherical mystery' in
Ringing World 7 Dec.2001 p.1226
Butler, W. 'The Birmingham man and Stedman Triples' in The Ringing World
25 February 1977 pp.160 and 172, and 4 March 1977 p.180
Butler, W. (General Editor) : 1668 and All That : [Papers
presented at a Seminar for lovers of ringing books in 1997]
Butler, W. : 'The Norwich Stedman Controversy 1731' in The Ringing World
24 September 1976 p.811 and 1 October 1976 p.831
Butler, W : 'The Origin of Handbells' in Antique Metalware Society Journal Vol. 12
(June 2004) pp.23�32
Butler, W. : 100 Years of the Oxford Diocesan Guild (1981)
Butler, W. : 'More Struggles over Stedman' in The Ringing World 19
March 1982 pp.233-4
Butler, W. : 'Ringers and incumbents 1820-1855' in The Ringing World
24/31 December 1976 p.1079
Butler, W. : 'The first double-handed tower bell peal [at Arklow] in
1901' in The Ringing World 22 October 1976 pp.895-6
Butler, W. : 'The Flixton Ringing Match [Ashton and Oldham] 1808' in
Ringing World 27 August 1976 pp.727-8
Butler, W. : 'The Kidlington Peal 1899' in The Ringing World 3
September 1976 pp.730 and 747, and 10 September 1976 pp.767-8; comment
by APC in The Ringing World 22 October 1976 p.881; letter from John
C. Eisel in The Ringing World 5 November 1976 p.924; letter from
Donald G. Clift in The Ringing World 26 November 1976 p.988; letter
from E.W. Pye in The Ringing World 7 January 1977 p.6
Butler, W. : 'The Long Peal Fever of 1888' in The Ringing World 11
July 1980 p.599 and 613
Butler, W. T. 'Dissension among the College Youths' in The Ringing World
26 February 1982 pp.167-8
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Cake, P. : 'The Ringing World
Interview � Peter Cake' [Peter retired as Managing Director in November
2002 after 42 years with the company] in The Ringing World 21
February 2003 pp.169-73
Came, P. : 'The Rev. H.T.W. Eyre's contribution to the church and ringing in Essex' in The Ringing
World 25 May 1979 p.446, 8 June 1979 p.487, and 15 June 1979 p.503
Cartright, J. H. E. et al 'Nonlinear Dynamics of the Perceived
Pitch of Complex Sounds' in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 82,
5489- 5392 (1999) [Note by Bill Hibbert : Directly relevant to
determination of the strike note of bells]
Cattermole, P : 'Church Towers and Bell-frames in South East Norfolk'
(Unpublished PhD Thesis University of London 1985)
Cattermole, P. : 'Redundancy � a new chapter in the life of the Church
of All Saints, Westlegate, Norwich' by Jeremy Warren and Paul
Cattermole, with notes on the Brend family and All Saints, in The Ringing
World 21/28 Dec 2001 pp.1257-7, 1277-9
Cattermole, P. : Norwich: 'Two Cathedrals' [St.John's (RC) Cathedral,
and the Anglican Cathedral] in The Ringing World 29 March 2002,
pp.310 and 329
Cattermole, P. D. T. : 'The Norwich Diocesan Association of Ringers
1877-2002' in The Ringing World 31 May 2002 p.543
Cave, P. W. : 'Manchester Ringers and ringing 1918-21' [including Harry
Chapman] by P.W.C. in The Ringing World 30 April 1976 pp.380-1 and
28 May 1976 p.454 and 471
Cawley, D. L. : 'A Review of the Four-Bell Towers in the Administrative
County of Kent' in The Ringing World 1 November 1968 p.846
Cawley, D. L. : Naylor, Vickers & Co of Sheffield: 'Colonel Tom and
his Cast Steel Bells' in The Ringing World 22/29 Dec.2000 pp.1259-
Cawley, D. L. :Tubular bells: 'Strange noises from the Belfry' in
Ringing World 21/28 Dec.2001 pp.1260-3
Cawley, D. L. Canterbury, St.Stephen: 'St. Stephen's, Canterbury, Kent'
in The Ringing World 11 February 1972 pp.115-6
Cawley, D. L. Hemispherical bells: 'Strange noises from the Belfry' in The Ringing
World 21/28 Dec.2001 pp.1260-3
Chaddock, H. O. : 'John Alfred Parnell' in The Ringing World 22/29
December 1972 p.1036
Chaddock, N. : 'Fifty Years Ringing at All Saints' Parish Church,
Rotherham' by Norman Chaddock in The Ringing World 24 September
1976 p.812
Chambers, L. H. : 'Bedfordshire Bells, c.1710' in Bedfordshire
Historical Record Society Vol.XII (1928) pp.99-101 [List � taken
from glebe terriers of c.1710 � showing the number of bells recorded at
each church]
Chant, H. 'Memories of Barnsley and District Ringers: George Hill and
Ernest Brookes' by in The Ringing World 16 April 1982 p.319
Chant, H. 'The Barnsley jug' [commemorating peal of 6080 Kent .B. Major
in 1879] by in The Ringing World 6 April 1979 p.292
Chant, H. : 'Another Barnsley District Ringer: Daniel Smith 1897-1963'
in The Ringing World 13 March 1981 p.243
Chant, H. : 'Personal Recollections' in The Ringing World 19/26
December 1975 p.1054
Chant, H. 'A Village team fifty years ago' in The Ringing World 27
July 1979 p.651 and 3 August 1970 p.671
Chant, H: 'Barnsley and District Society 1909-1979' in The Ringing World
18 January 1980 pp.61-2; 'More Barnsley and District Characters' in
Ringing World 22 August 1980 p.738
Chanter, J. F. Braunton, Devon: 'The Cost and Weight of a
pre-Reformation ring of bells' in Devon and Cornwall Notes and
Queries Vol.6 pp.222-3
Chatwin, P. B. : Middleton, Warwicks: 'The Bell-frame in Middleton
Church Tower' in Transactions of the Birmingham and Midland
Institute Vol.LXVII (1939 and 1940) pp.89-90
Cheetham, F. H. : 'A c17th bell at Tonge, near Middleton' in the
Transactions of the Lancashire & Cheshire Antiquarian Society
Vol.44 (1927) pp.100-3, and 'A further note on the Tonge Bell' by F.H.
Cheetham in ibid Vol.51 (1936) pp.111-4
Cheetham, F. H. : 'Bell Ringing orders at Preston church, 1587-8' in
the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
Vol.78 pp.130-5
Cheetham, F. H. : 'The Bells of the parish church of Newston, Cheshire'
in the Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian
Society Vol.48 (1932) pp.16-29
Clarence, L. B. : 'The Church Bells of Dorset' [a general account] in
the Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History Society and
Antiquarian Field Club Vol.17 pp.25-42
Clarke, J. W. : 'History of the Peal of Bells belonging to Kings
College Cambridge' in the Cambridge Antiquarian Communications
No.XXI, being no.3 of the 4th vol, pp.223-243 (1879)
Clarke, J. W. : “The Church Bells of Bunbury, Cheshire” from The Bunbury Papers (editor Maurice H. Ridgway) no.3 (1950), with an appendix on ringers and ringing customs
Clayton, A. : 'Chas. F. Browne, Paperhanger, Bolingbroke Row, Walworth
Road' [based on manuscript notebook of Charles Browne of Walworth,
1828-47, now in Dulwich Central Library] in The Ringing World 3 May
1968 p.355]
Clouston, R. W. M. : 'Small Bells:
Foreign' in Antique Collecting (the Journal of the Antique
Collectors' Club) Vol.19 no.11 (April 1985) pp.94-5
Clouston, R. W. M. : 'Small Bells' in Antique Collecting (the
Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club) Vol.15 no.5 (October 1980)
Clouston, R. W. M. : 'The Reverend Richard Duckworth of Hartest' in
Ringing World 16 March 1973 p.216
Clouston, R. W. M. : 'The Bells of Perthshire : St John's Kirk, Perth' in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Vol.
124 (1994)
Clouston, R W M : 'The Welding of Cracked Bells' from Studies in Conservation Vol.II no.4 (1956) pp.170-5
Cluett, F. A. : 'Steel Bells' in The Ringing World 23 May 1975
p.435, followed by a letter from Dennis Greenwood in The Ringing World 13 June 1975 p.486 about the Naylor Vickers steel bells at Stainland,
Cocks, A. H. : 'The Bells of the Parish churches in the Hundred of
Desborough, Bucks' in The Records of Buckinghamshire Vol.V
Collins, F. E. : A collection of photographs of bell ringing
personalities made by F. E. Collins can be found on the hollowing web
site : http://www.bellhistorians.org.uk/regional.htm
Collins, F. E. : The Diary of F. E. Collins bellhanger working for
Gillett and Johnston, Croydon from 1926 to 1936 can be found on the
following web site : http://www.bellhistorians.org.uk/regional.htm
Cook, W. T. : 'The Centenary of St.Paul's Bells' in The Ringing World 3 November 1978 pp.930 and 951
Cook, W. T. : 'The Property of the Ancient Society of College Youths' 6
Sept.1968 pp.684-5, 13 Sept.1968 p.705 and 20 Sept.1968 pp.724-5
Cook, W. T. 'Counsel and the College Youths' in The Ringing World 4
July 1969 p.521; letters from N.J. Davies and E. Barnett in The Ringing
World 18 July 1969 p.562
Cook, W. T. 'The Lost Bells of London' in The Ringing World 15
Dec.1972 to 23 Feb.1973: 'St.Bride's, Fleet Street' in The Ringing World 15 Dec. and 22/29 Dec.1972 pp.995 and 1025, 'St.Sepulchre's, Colborne'
in The Ringing World 12 and 19 January 1973 pp.24 and 47,
'St.Magnus the Martyr, Lower Thames Street' in The Ringing World 2
February 1973 p.87, 'St.Stephen's, Coleman Street' in The Ringing World 9 February 1973 p.103, 'St.Dunstan-in-the- West, Fleet Street' in The Ringing
World 16 February 1973 p.123, 'St.Dunstan-in-the-East' in The Ringing
World 23 February 1973 p.143, 'Other City Churches' [All Hallows,
Barking by the Tower; St.Andrew Undershaft; St.Katharine Cree and
others] in The Ringing World 2 March 1973 p.163, 'St.John's,
Horsleydown' in The Ringing World 9 March 1973 p.183, 'St.Mary
Matfelon, Whitechapel' in The Ringing World 16 March 1973 p.203
Cook, W. T. : 'One of the Greatest Characters [Leonard Proctor]' in
Ringing World 23 July 1982 pp.610-1
Cook, W. T. : 'Fabian Stedman, 1640-1730' in The Ringing World 29
October 1982 pp.900-901
Cook, W. T. : 'The Story of Great Paul' in The Ringing World 14
January 1972 pp.23-4, 21 January 1972 p.48, 28 January 1972 pp.86-7
Cook, W. T. : 'Two old peal books' [Joseph Monk and - see separate article - Charles Barber] in The Ringing World 13
September 1974 p.760 and 20 September 1974 pp.780-1
Cook, W. T. 'The Ringing Career of James Robert Haworth' in The Ringing
World 6 November 1970 p.883, 13 November 1970 p.904, 20 November
1970 p.923, 27 November 1970 p.944, 4 December 1970 p.963, 11 December
1970 p.984 and 18 December 1970 p.1004
Cook, W. T. Ancient Society of College Youths: The Society of
College Youths 1637-1987: a new History of the Society (1987)
Cook, W. T. Cambridge University Guild: 'Cambridge University Guild of
Change Ringers 1879-1979' in The Ringing World 2 February 1979
Cook, William T. : 'Charles Barber's Book' in The Ringing World 30
August 1974 pp.707-8; letter from Cyril A. Wratten in The Ringing World 27 September 1974 p.790
Cooke, W. T. : '300 Years of Ancient Youths' in Home Words (1968)
Corby, P. A. Brandeston, Suffolk : 'An evening peal in Suffolk'
[commemorating peal rung in 1740 with methods Francis Genius and
Francis Goodwill] in The Ringing World 5 March 1976 p.209
Couzens, B. J. : 'The Carillons of France' in The Ringing World 22/29 December 1972 pp.1023-4
Craddock, A. : 'Peal History' � short
note on the development of peal ringing, with graph showing the number of
peals rung annually from 1700 to 2000 � in The Ringing World 7
March 2003 p.219
Croft, K. S. :
'Surprise peal ringing on handbells' in The Ringing World 30 July /
6 August 1976 p.641
Croft, K. S. : 'Notes on Surprise Peal Ringing on handbells 1976-1980' in The Ringing World 18/25 December 1981 p.1101
Croft, K. S. B. : 'Notes on Surprise Peal Ringing on Handbells: the
fifties and sixties' in The Ringing World 28 January 1977 p.69
Croft, K. S. B. : 'Notes on Surprise Peal Ringing on handbells' in
Ringing World 25 November 1977 p.1032
Croft, K. S. B. : 'The Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild
1879-1979' in The Ringing World 22 June 1979 pp.511-8
Croft, K. S. B. : White, Rosetta Alice (1880-1979): 'A Pioneer Lady'
[first woman to ring a peal - 1896] by in The Ringing World 20
March 1981 p.258
Croft, K. S. B. 'Notes on Surprise Peal Ringing on handbells:
1973-1975' by K.S.B. Croft in The Ringing World 16 June 1978 p.511
Crossley, F. H. : 'The Bells of Cheshire' in the Transactions of
the Lancashire & Cheshire Antiquarian Society Vol.58 (1945-6)
pp.205- 44 [general notes on bells in Cheshire with an addendum by
Arthur J. Hawkes on the Wigan bellfounders]
Cubitt, D. 'Robert Chesnutt of Norwich - a note for the 160th
anniversary of his death' in The Ringing World 19 June 1981 p.531
Cubitt, D. : 'Diss, Norfolk - 150 years ago' in The Ringing World 18 February 1983
Cubitt, D. : : 'Ringing in Norwich in 1860' � in The Ringing World 15 March 2002 p.279; and letter from David Cubitt on 'Norwich bells' in Ringing World 29 March 2002 p.326
Cubitt, D. : 'At St.Peter's Walworth' [Barnsley ringers rang a peal at
Walworth while visiting the Great Exhibition in 1851] in The Ringing
World 22 February 1974 p.156; further letter from Cyril A. Wratten
in The Ringing World 15 March 1974 p.218
Cubitt, D. : 'The bells of St. John's, Wakefield' in The Ringing World 4 March 1966 p.147
Cubitt, D. : 'The Wroxham Wrangle' in The Ringing World 14
September 1984 pp.787-9
Cubitt, D. : 'West Tofts: of its being a ring of six in 1849, of eight
in 1852' in The Ringing World 27 July 1979 p.647
Cubitt, D. : Norfolk and East Anglia: 'Henry Cross-Grove' [extracts
from Norwich Gazette 1710-1740] in The Ringing World 12
March 1971 p.216, 17 September 1971 p.816, 24 September 1971p.836, 1
October 1971 p.856, 8 October 1971 p.880, 15 October 1971 p.904, 22
October 1971 p.928, 29 October 1971 p.948, 5 November 1971 p.968, 12
November 1971 p.988, and 19 November 1971 p.1008
Cubitt, D. : Norwich: 'Society of Mancroft ringers 1716' in The Ringing
World 17 January 1975 pp.41-2
Cubitt, D. : Woodhead, William (Wakefield): 'First peal of Cambridge
Royal' [conducted by William Woodhead in 1822] in The Ringing World 18 July 1969 p.562
Cubitt, D. Norfolk and East Anglia: '200 Years Ago: extracts from
Norwich papers' - a series of annual articles in The Ringing World 5 June 1970 p.442; 5 March 1971 p.201; 14 January 1972 p.35; 2 February
1973 p.84; 8 March 1974 p.199; 31 January 1975 p.91, 14 February 1975
p.131 and 28 February1975 p.172; 2 January 1976 p.3 and 16 January 1976
p.47; 7 January 1977 p.13; 13 January 1978 p.27; 12 January 1979 p.28;
29 February 1980 p.180; 30 January 1981 p.112; 15 January 1982 p.56;
[nothing found in 1983]; 6 January 1984 p.8; 11 January 1985 p.27; 17
January 1986 p.45; 30 January 1987 p.104; 12 February 1988 p.147; 24
February 1989 p.182; 2 February 1990 p.115; [nothing found in 1991]; 17
January 1992 p.51; 5 February 1993 p.115; 28 January 1994 p.75; [gap];
26 January 1996 p.87; 31 January 1997 p.107; 27 March 1998 p.323; 5
February 1999 p.131; 17 March 2000 p.323
Cubitt, D. Norfolk and East Anglia: 'References to Bells and Ringing
seen in the Bury and Norwich Post' in The Ringing World April 1977
p.282 [1786-1813] and 6 May 1977 p.396 [1824-1827]
Cubitt, D.: '250 Years Ago: Norwich - the Stedman Triples Controversy'
in The Ringing World 31 July 1981 p.667, 7 August 1981 p.687, 14
August 1981 p.708, 21 August 1981 p.745, 28 August 1981 p.776, 4
September 1981 p.778, 11 September 1981 p.816, 18 September 1981 p.840,
25 September 1981 p.842, 2 October 1981 p.880
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Dalton, C. : 'Recasting History' in Landscape
[c.1987 - edition/date uncertain] pp.86-89
Dalton, C. : 'The Vanishing Bell Frame' in SPAB News Vol.10
no.4 (1989) pp.13-15; subsequently reprinted with minor changes and
additional illustrations in The Ringing World 30 March 1990 pp.313,
Dalton, C. : 'The Four Bell Towers of Dorset' in The Ringing World
20 September 1968 p.723
Dalton, C. : 'True Harmonic Tuning' in The Ringing World 16 October
1970 p.824, 23 October 1970 p.844 and 30 October 1970 p.864
Dalton, C. Tuning: 'Harmonic tuning' in The Ringing World 24 June
1994 p.631
Dalton, C. (1987) 'Recasting History', Landscape 3, 86-89
Daniell, R A. : "James Albion and Thomas Nash" in Bell News
1905 p.304
Daniell, R. A. : "James Albion and Thomas Nash" in Bell News
1905 p.304
Daniell, R. A. : "Bishop Hall" in Bell News 1906 p.373
Daniell, R. A. : "Charles Lamb on the Old and New Year" in Bell News
1905 p.505
Daniell, R. A. : "James Barham" by R.A. Daniell in Bell News
1905 pp.277, 289
Daniell, R. A. : "John Alfred Parnell" in Bell News 1909
pp.121, 148 and 206
Daniell, R. A. : "John Bunyan" in Bell News 1910 pp.49, 61
Daniell, R. A. : "On the position of change-ringing as an athletic
exercise, historically considered" in Bell News 1906 p.555
Daniell, R. A. : "On the secular nature of the origin and development
of change ringing, historically considered" in Bell News 1899
Daniell, R. A. : "Sir Matthew Hale" in Bell News 1910 p.73
Daniell, R. A. : "St.Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield" in Bell
News 1904 pp.61, 73, 85 and 97
Daniell, R. A. : "St.Clement Danes" in Bell News 1904 p.387
Daniell, R. A. : "St.Saviour's, Southwark, and Geoffrey Chaucer" in
Bell News 1905 p.133
Daniell, R. A. : "The Roman Catholic Cathedral at Westminster and its
new bell" in Bell News 1911 p.40
Daniell, R. A. : "Two old Shropshire ringers � Samuel Lawrence and
Samuel Lee" in Bell News 1904 pp.206 and 219
Daniell, R. A. : "William Corder" in Bell News 1904 p.505, 1905
pp518, 531, 544, 555 and 568
Davies, G. : 'Ballads of bells and ringing' in The Ringing World 17
May 1991 pp.465-6
Davies, N. J. : 'Mr. Thomas Miller's Diary' [ringing in Kent 1732-1751]
in The Ringing World 12 June 1981 p.511
Davies, N. J. : 'Canterbury Cathedral' in The Ringing World 13
December 1968 p.963-5
Davies, N. J. : 'Rochester Cathedral' in The Ringing World 12 Aril
1968 p.279
Dawson G. A. 'William Dobson's foreign bells' in The Ringing World
21 Sept.2001 p.946
Dawson, G. A. : 'The beginnings of the Stamford foundry' [Norris and
Oldfield] in The Ringing World 7 September 2001 p.895
Dawson, G. A. : 'A visit to Christ Church, Philadelphia' in The Ringing
World 24 May 2002 p.516
Dawson, G. A. : 'The Lost Rings of America � St.Paul's, Buffalo' in
Ringing World 4 May 2001 p.472-3
Dawson, G. A. : 'Derbyshire Bellfounders' [Thomas le Clerc, Daniel
Hedderly etc] in The Ringing World 27 May 1977 p.439
Dawson, G. A. : 'Immanuel Halton of South Wingfield' in The Ringing
World 27 May 1977 p.442
Dawson, G. A. : 'Rings of Four in Nottinghamshire' in The Ringing World
16 February 1968 p.135 and 23 February 1968 p.143
Dawson, G. A. : 'St.Mary Magdalene, Newark' in Ringing World
17 January 1969 pp.38-9
Dawson, G. A. : 'The Heathcote Family of Chesterfield' in The Ringing
World 27 May 1977 p.438
Dawson, G. A. : Thirsk, Yorks: 'The Thirsk Bellfoundry' [Thomas Wood
1643-71, Peter Wood 1672-1704, and list of bells by the Wood family] in
Ringing World 21 June 2002 p.635
Dawson, G. A. and Exton, W. L. : 'St.Mary's, Nottingham' in The Ringing
World 26 May 1967 p.356
Dawson, G. A. Baltimore, Christ Church, USA: 'Lost Rings of America �
Baltimore' in The Ringing World 20 April 2001 p.421
Dawson, G. A. : 'A lost ring? St.Thomas's Church, Howrah, India' in
Ringing World 6 December 2002 p.1245
Dawson, George : Biographical account of William Doubleday Crofts in Chapter three “Two Country Leaders” in John C. Eisel Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Day, John : 'William Chattell' written 1895, reprinted 1942 and again
in The Ringing World 8 October 1976 p.845
Day, John 'Recollections of Mr. John Day' concerning Thomas and Charles
Thurstans, James Jarvis, John James, William Hassall, Thomas Chapman,
Thomas Worrall, Henry Cooper, Samuel Lawrence, Joseph Riley, John
Bayliss, Thomas Hall, Thomas Gay, Thomas Bingham, William Chattell,
John Hopkins, Thomas Hobday, Isaac John Benjamin Lates, Emanuel Stokes,
Thomas Day, John Walker, Robert Roberts, and Henry Johnson in Bell
News 29 June to 21 September 1895 (pp.52-195 passim)
Dobbie, W. H. : 'The John Carter Ringing Machine' in Ringing World
23 February 1968 p.144
Dowland, James Let all the bells ring (2000) ISBNN 0 948204 79
6 [Ed's note : The author's personal account of ringing and ringers in
Draper, F. W. Hornsey, Middlesex: 'The Hornsey Bells' in
Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society
Vol.10 (1951) pp.120-2 and 'Hornsey Ringers' Jug' in ibid
Vol.11(1954) p.39
Draper, F.W.M 'Rules for the Esquire Youths 1662-3' [ringing company
founded by Sir Henry Chauncy - original manuscript in British Library,
ref. Add.Ms.28,504] in Transactions of the London and Middlesex
Archaeological Society Vol.11 (1954) pp.241-8
Draper, F.W.M 'The Old London Ringing Companies' in Transactions
of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Vol.11 (1954)
Duke, R. H. 'St. Peter's Society of Change Ringers, Dorchester, Dorset'
- a note on the ringers' pewter flagon dated 1676 in The Ringing World
2 October 1970 p.783
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Earwaker, J. P. : 'Henry Oldfield,
The Bellfounder, 1595' - notes on the Oldfield family, of Nottingham...
in 'Local Gleanings � relating to Lancashire & Cheshire' Vol.1
(1879-80) pp.109-110, 197-8
Earwaker, Rev J. P. : 'Bellfounders in Lancashire and Cheshire and in
the adjacent counties in the C17th and C18th' in the Transactions
of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire (New series)
Vol.VI pp.161-180
Edge, E. H : 'From the North Staffordshire Peal Books - a Century of
Peals' in The Ringing World 11 November 1983 pp.948-9
Edge, E. H. : 'The North Staffordshire Association of Change Ringers
1882-1982' in The Ringing World 26 November 1982 pp.981 and 987-8,
and 3 December 1982 pp.1001 and 1009-10
Eeles, F. C. : The Church and other Bells of Kincardineshire (1897)
Eggen, J. H., Houtsma, A. J. M. 'The pitch perception of bell sounds'
in Annual Progress Report 21 1986 of the Institut voor
Perceptie Orderzoek. [Note by Bill Hibbert : Important paper on bell
pitch perception]
Eisel, J. C. : Article on the ladies'
peal at Portishead in 1915 with information on the Gillingham and Jukes
families in The Ringing World 7 February 2003 p.125; additional
information from John Brain in The Ringing World 7 March 2003 p.235
Eisel , J. C. :
Glasbury on Wye, Brecon: 'The Glen Kidston Trophy' in The Ringing World
26 October 2001 pp.1065-6
Eisel, J. C. : Fowler, Canon Joseph Thomas: 'Pioneers' [W.C. Lukis and
J.T. Fowler] by John C. Eisel in The Ringing World 16 Feb.2001 p.156
Eisel, J. C. 'Barnstaple, 1896' in The Ringing World 26 January
1996 p.87; letter on Barnstaple bells from Stuart McDonald in The Ringing
World 23 February 1996 pp.194-5; further letter from John C. Eisel
in The Ringing World 8 March 1996 p.244
Eisel, J. C. 'John Day's peal book' in The Ringing World 23 August
2002 p.867-8
Eisel, J. C. 'The Downham Foundry' [Thomas Osborn and William Dobson]
in The Ringing World 31 Jan.1986 pp.93-4
Eisel, J. C. 'Two eighteenth century manuscripts' [a ringing notebook
later owned in 1871-1904 by the ringers at Great Ashfield, Suffolk, and
a notebook of John Tillott] in The Ringing World 20 July 2001
Eisel, J. C. : 'Herr Ohlsson of L�beck' in The Ringing World 7
September 2001 p.909
Eisel, J. C. : 'The Church Bells of Montgomeryshire' in Archaeologia
Cambrensis, (1986) pp.163-96
Eisel, J. C. : 'Some Ringing Disputes and Court Cases in the Nineteenth
Century' [Selborne (Hants), Stoke Edith (Herefs), Camerton (Somerset),
Bitton (Glos), Chesterfield (Derbys), Longney (Glos), Monmouth,
Wanbborough (Wilts), Doncaster (Yorks), Thurnby (Leics), East Brent
(Somerset), and Little Dewchurch (Herefs)] by John C. Eisel in
Ringing World 20/27 December 2002 p.1296-7
Eisel, J. C. : 'Pioneers' [W.C. Lukis and J.T. Fowler] in The Ringing
World 16 Feb.2001 p.156
Eisel, J. C. : 'John Lates' in The Ringing World 20/27 December
1991 pp.1206-9; and letter from John C. Eisel in The Ringing World
17 January 1992 p.52
Eisel, J. C. : 'Rallies of Ringers' in The Ringing World 24 May
2002 pp.513-4, 537
Eisel, J. C. : 'Rev. Arthur du Boulay Hill' in The Ringing World 1
December 2000 p.1179; 'A follow-up on The Rev. Arthur du Boulay Hill'
by Derek Jackson in The Ringing World 20 July 2001 p.727, 740-1
Eisel, J. C. : 'Ringers' Epitaphs' in The Ringing World 24
December 1971 [James Barham (1818) at Leeds; David Wheway (1828) at
Nuneaton; John Jessup (1825) at Worlingworth; John Hale (1692) at
Hartpury; Purdue (1673) at Limerick and (1703) at Closworth; and John
Blackburn (1739) at Scothern]
Eisel, J. C. : 'Samuel Lawrence' (letter) in The Ringing World 2
October 1981 p.866
Eisel, J. C. : 'The Church of St Michael & All Angels, Ledbury,
Herefordshire: Some notes on the bells and earlier ringing history of
the tower' in The Ringing World 14 June 2002 pp.589-90, 604-5
Eisel, J. C. : 'The Stedman Family of Yarkhill' in The Ringing World
21 May 1976 pp.429-30; 'Fabian Stedman and his family at Yarkhill,
Herefordshire' by Constance Purser in The Ringing World 20 August
1976 pp.707-8
Eisel, J. C. : 'Thomas North' in The Ringing World 1 June 2001
p.557; 'Thomas North's Manuscripts' by John C. Eisel in The Ringing
World 29 June 2001 p.650
Eisel, J. C. : 'Change ringing in Hereford Diocese in the nineteenth
century and the early years of the Hereford Diocesan Guild' in The Ringing
World 15 April 1988 pp.365-6, 29 April 1988 p.409, 13 May 1988
p.458, 10 June 1988 p.458, 24 June 1988 p.596, 8 July 1988 pp.651-2 and
29 July 1988 pp.722-3
Eisel, J. C. : 'Henry Williams' [bellfounder, of Glasbury] in
Ringing World 16 May 1975 p.398
Eisel, J. C. : 'John Finch of Hereford' by John C. Eisel in The Ringing
World 19/26 December 1975 p.1065
Eisel, J. C. : Article on Eardisland church and bells in The Ringing
World 9 June 1978 pp.473-4
Eisel, J. C. : Bells of Carmarthenshire and Breconshire
(Unpublished PhD Thesis University of Wales 1984)
Eisel, J. C. : Gloucester: Letter on 'St.Michael's Juniors, Gloucester'
[their peal book 1888-1912] by John C. Eisel in The Ringing World
20 June 1969 p.482; letter from E. Barnett in The Ringing World 4
July 1969 p.522; letter from F.J. Lewis in The Ringing World 25
July 1969 p.582; letter from John G. Nash in The Ringing World 1
August 1969 p.602
Eisel, J. C. Bellframes: 'The CCBR and SPAB � A warning from History'
in The Ringing World 30 Nov.2001 p.1189 (part 1), 7 Dec.2001 p.1213
(part 2), 21/28 Dec.2001 pp.1290-1
Eisel, J. C. Birmingham and Painswick: 'A tale of two broadsheets'
[commemorating peals of 7,200 Treble Bob Maximus at Birmingham on 17
April 2000 and one of 10,224 changes at Painswick on 9 Dec.1833] in The Ringing
World 12 January 2001 p.26
Eisel, J. C. Herefordshire: 'Some notes on early change-ringing in
Herefordshire and its surrounding counties' by John C. Eisel in The Ringing
World 4 October 1974 p.825 and 11 October 1974 p.844
Eisel, J., C. : Stedman: 'Early Changeringing' [proposed Stedman
memorial in London] in The Ringing World 2 April 1983 p.720
Eisel, John C : Biographical account of John Cox in Chapter eight “Two Remarkable Ringers and their Rivalry” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Benjamin Annable in Chapter two “Change Ringing Established” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Challis Winney in Chapter nine “The Handbell Men” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.77-80
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Fabian Stedman in Chapter one “The Beginnings of Change Ringing” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of George E. Symonds (with notes on Charles J. Sedgley) in Chapter seven “Surprise Maximus” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.64-7
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of George Fraser Woodhouse in Chapter eight “The Inventors” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.73-76
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Jabez Armiger Trollope in Chapter two “The Editors” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.16-7
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Jasper Whitfield Snowdon in Chapter nine “The Authors” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of John Webster in Chapter two “Change Ringing Established” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Joseph Henry Withers in Chapter nine “The Handbell Men” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.80-82
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Joseph Tebbs in Chapter six “The Beginnings of Surprise Ringing” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Rosetta Alice White in Chapter one “The Lady Ringers” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.2-3
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Samuel Thurston in Chapter six “The Beginnings of Surprise Ringing” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Thomas Thurstans in Chapter five “The Story of Stedman Triples” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of William Shipway (with notes on J. Joseph Powell of Quex) in Chapter five “The Story of Stedman Triples” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of William Short in Chapter five “The Professionals” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.44-7
Eisel, John C. : “The Church Bells of Merioneth” by John C. Eisel in The Journal of the Merioneth Historical and Record Society Vol.XIV Part IV (2005) pp.291-318
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Albert John Pitman in Chapter four “The Development of Spliced” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.32-4
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Alfred H. Pulling in Chapter nine “The Handbell Men” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.83-6
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Amy Thomas (née Johnson) in Chapter one “The Lady Ringers” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.6-8
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Arthur Percival Heywood in Chapter eleven “The Turning Point” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Bertram Prewett in Chapter six “The Peal Ringers” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.51-4
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Charles Arthur Williams Troyte by Preb. J.G.M. Scott in Chapter nine “The Authors” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Edith Kate Parker (later Mrs. G.W. Fletcher) in Chapter one “The Lady Ringers” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.4-5
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Elijah Roberts in Chapter seven “An Outstanding Character!” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Ernest Morris in Chapter six “The Peal Ringers” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.54-5
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of George E. Symonds (with notes on Charles J. Sedgley) in Chapter seven “Surprise Maximus” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.64-7
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of George Ernest Fearn in Chapter six “The Peal Ringers” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.56-8
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Harold Cashmore in Chapter nine “The Handbell Men” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.87-9
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Harvey Reeves in Chapter two “The Editors” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.10-12
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Henry Haley in Chapter eight “Two Remarkable Ringers and their Rivalry” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Henry Hubbard in Chapter nine “The Authors” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Henry Thomas Ellacombe in Chapter eleven “The Turning Point” in John C. Eisel Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of James Barham in Chapter three “Two Country Leaders” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of James Dovey of Stourbridge in Chapter four “Two contrasting Provincial Societies” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of James George in Chapter three “The Characters” Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.25-7
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of James Motts in Chapter seven “Surprise Maximus” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.62-4
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of James Robert Haworth in Chapter five “The Professionals” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.35-9
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of James William Washbrook in Chapter five “The Professionals” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.39-42
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of John Carter in Chapter eight “The Inventors” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.69-72
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of John Holt in Chapter two “Change Ringing Established” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of John Patrick in Chapter one “The Beginnings of Change Ringing” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of John Sparkes Goldsmith in Chapter two “The Editors” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.13-15
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Leonard Proctor in Chapter ten “Surprise Ringing Established” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Richard Cross of the Shrewsbury Union Society in Chapter four “Two contrasting Provincial Societies” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Richard Duckworth in Chapter one “The Beginnings of Change Ringing” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of Samuel Lawrence in Chapter five “The Story of Stedman Triples” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of the Rev. F.E. Robinson in Chapter twelve “The Peal Ringers” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of the Rev. H. Law James in Chapter four “The Development of Spliced” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.30-32
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of W.H. Fussell in Chapter five “The Professionals” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.42-4
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of William Banister in Chapter ten “Surprise Ringing Established” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of William Chattell in Chapter three “The Characters” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.19-21
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of William Henry Barber in Chapter five “The Professionals” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.48-50
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of William John Sevier in Chapter three “The Characters” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.22-4
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of William Pye in Chapter twelve “The Peal Ringers” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of William Shipway (with notes on J. Joseph Powell of Quex) in Chapter five “The Story of Stedman Triples” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John C. : Biographical account of William Wakley in Chapter ten “Surprise Ringing Established” in Giants of the Exercise: Some Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 1997) [no pagination]
Eisel, John: Biographical account of John Austin in Chapter seven “Surprise Maximus” in Giants of the Exercise II: More Notable Ringers of the Past (CCCBR, 2006) pp.59-61
Elliott, W. M. 'Seven Generations of Bell-ringing Elliotts' in
Ringing World 26 July 1974 pp.607-8
Elphick, G. F. : 'The dating of uninscribed bells' in The Ringing World
20 April 1973 p.307-8
Elphick, G. P. : 'The dating of uninscribed bells' in The Ringing World
20 April 1973 p.307-8
Elphick, G. P. Bellfounding: 'A visit to the Foundry of the Future' in The Ringing
World 8 March 1968 p.184
Everleigh, D J : 'Brass Founders, Braziers & Coppersmiths, Bristol, c.1650�1890' in Antique
Metalware Society Journal Vol. 12 (June 2004) pp.1�18
Exton, W. L. : 'The Repair Welding of Cracked Bells' in The Ringing
World 3 April 1970 p.258
Exton, W. L. and Dawson, G. A. : 'St. Mary's, Nottingham' in The Ringing
World 26 May 1967 p.356
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Fauvel, J. Mathematics and Music
[Includes the mathematics of bell ringing] (2003)
Fellows, M. D. :
'The lost peal book of the Society of Chapel Youths of Stourbridge' in The Ringing
World 2 September 1983 p.723
Felstead, Canon K. W. H. : 'St.Michael the Archangel, Southampton' from
notes by the late Canon K.W.H. Felstead in The Ringing World 13
September 1996 pp.933-4
Felstead, K. W. H.: '2000 peals at Loughborough Bell Foundry' in
Ringing World 23 February 1979 p.172
Fidler, J. P. : 'Bread Cast on the Waters � a Cheshire memory' [about
James S. Wilde, ringing at Hyde, and record peal of minor in 1923] in
Ringing World 17 January 1969 p.55
Fidler, J. P. : 'Leicestershire Bellfounders' [mediaeval founders,
Newcombe, Watts, Eayre, Arnold and Taylor] in The Ringing World 23
May 1975 p.427, 30 May 1975 p.447, 6 June 1975 p.473, 13 June 1975
p.493, 20 June 1975 p.507 and 27 June 1975 p.527
Fidler, J. P. : Spliced Minor: 'Bread Cast on the Waters' in The Ringing
World 17 January 1969 p.55
Finaly, Michael : “Who was Francis Keble?” [the owner of a mortar dated 1659 made by Edward Neale of Burford] in The Journal of the Antique Metalware Society Vol.7 (June 1999) pp.35-38)
Fletcher, Canon J. M. J. : “The Old Belfry in the Close of the Canons of Salisbury” in The Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Magazine Vol.XLVII no.CLXVI (June 1937) pp.608-616
Fletcher, N. H., McGee W. T., Tamopolsky, A. Z. : 'Bell Clapper impact
dynamics and the voicing of a carillon' in Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America 111 (3) March 2002 pp. 1437-1444.
[Note by Bill Hibbert : Of interest to those studying clappering of
Flitton A. R. Directory of bells in Huntingdonshire (March 1915)
Flitton, A. R. Directory of bells in Cambridgeshire (Feb. 1915)
Flitton, A. R. : Directory of bells in Northamptonshire (June
Flitton, A. R. : Directory of bells in Suffolk, (1914)
Freeman, L. R. : 'Church of St.Mary the Virgin, Mortlake' [with
references to Theodore Eccleston] in The Ringing World 13 June 1969
Frost, H. V. : 'Squire Leonard Proctor, J.P. (1816-1895)' in The Ringing
World 24 June 1977 pp.543-4 and 1 July 1977 p.558; letter from B.J.
Harris in The Ringing World 12 August 1977 p.694; letter from H.V.
Frost in The Ringing World 2 September 1977 p.754
Frost, H. V. : 'St. Peter's Church, St. Albans' in The Ringing World
8 December 1978 p.1057 and 15 December 1978 pp.1083-4
Frost, H. V. : 'The Hertfordshire Youths' in The Ringing World 12
November 1982 pp.943-4 and 10 December 1982 p.1032
Frost, H. V. : 'The Watford and Rickmansworth Youths' in The Ringing
World 7 August 1981 pp.699-70, 704
Frost, H. V. : 'The Watford Youths' in The Ringing World 28
September 1984 p.824
Frost, H. V. : 'Two early peals at Watford, Herts.' in The Ringing World
2 January 1981 p.15
Frost, H. V. : 'The St.Albans Clock Tower' in The Ringing World 4
Feb.1972 p.95
Furniss, P. : 'Samuel Gough: 1822-October 21st 1907' [of Leintwardine
(Herefs) and Garston (Lancs)] in The Ringing World 6 December 2002
Furniss, P. L. 'An Account of 200 Years of Peal Ringing in the City of
Liverpool' in Ringing World 22/29 Dec.2000 pp.1257-8 (Part I �
1800-1850), 5 Jan.2001 pp.18- (Part II � 1851-1900), 12 Jan.2000
pp.29-30 (Part III � 1901-1950) and 19 Jan.2001 pp.57-8 (Part IV �
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Gann, K. 'An Introduction to Historical Tunings' :
[Note by Bill Hibbert : Helpful introduction to the various
temperaments and tunings]
George, Rebecca Mary : 'Our Use of the Past. How the demands of
heritage and conservation and the demands of a living tradition
conflict, and how they can be accommodated'. (Unpublished B.A.
dissertation, University of Leicester, March 2001)
Gillet & Johnston, 'Carillon for the University of Chicago � Summer
visit' in The Society of Engineers Journal and Transactions Vol xxiii
pp. 80-96 (July/Sept 1932)
Godson, Rev J. : 'The Bells of St.Michael's, Chester' in the Journal
of the Chester Archaeological and Historical Society (New Series)
Vol.IV pp.186-9
Golden, Nolan : 'The Norwich Diocesan Association of Ringers 1877-1977'
in The Ringing World 1 April 1977 pp.262-8
Goslin, S.B.: Note on 'Bell Hangings' by S.B. Goslin of the Crescent
Bell Foundry in Church Bells 6 Jan.1883 reprinted in The Ringing
World 27 April 1973 p.326; followed by letters in The Ringing World
on S.B. Goslin from E.A. Barnett (18 May 1973 p.390), H.V. Frost and
J.E. David (25 May 1973 p.410), D.L. Cawley (1 June 1973 p.434) and Amy
Coburn (13 July 1973 p.554)
Granger, B. : "The Bells of Woburn" in the Bedfordshire Magazine
Vol.7 no.1 (Summer 1959) pp.20-22
Grave, K. : 'The Rise and Fall of
Yorkshire Tails' in The Ringing World 7 February 2003 pp.121-2,
124; additional note from Wilfrid Moreton in The Ringing World 7
March 2003 p.234
M., Kallenbach, W., Nellessen, E. : 'Acoustical Investigations on Church
Bells' : in Akustica Untersuuchengen an Kirchenglocken, Acustiuca
16: 34-45,1965/66. (reprinted in Rossing � see below)
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Hallam, W. H. : 'The Church Bells of Berkshire and their inscriptions'
in The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Archaeological Journal Vol.II
pp.50-51, 83-85, 107-9, Vol.III pp.15-6, 55-6, 83-4, and Vol.V
pp.119-20 [brief notes on some parishes � not a complete survey]
Halls, Pat - Ashover, Derbys: 'Titus Wheatcroft of Ashover �
schoolmaster, sexton and bellringer' (b.1679-d.1762) [with illustration
from his notebook showing changes on four bells and an extent of
Grandsire Doubles] in The Ringing World 4 October 2002 p.1012
Hamlyn, F. C. Bedfordshire: 'Uses of Bell-ringing' [customs] by F.C.
Hamlyn in the Bedfordshire Magazine Vol.9 no.66 (Autumn 1963)
Harding, J. : 'The Belfry formerly standing in the close of Salisbury
and its bells' in the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History
Magazine Vol.28 pp.108-20
Hardwick, J D : 'The Bells of St Martin's' by J.D.Hardwick in Proceedings of the Royal
Institution of Great Britain (Vol.61 p.205) (Discourses January 1987-December1989)
� based on lecture given on 12 May 1989
Hargarave, Miss Emily : Wakefield and Leeds: 'A Change-Ringing
Controversy' in Transactions of the Thoresby Society Vol.28
(1928) pp.226-232
Harland, Frank : Appleby, Cumbria: 'A poster puzzle' � ringers' rules
of c.1833- in The Ringing World 21 Sept.2001 pp.942, 63; Rules
illustrated The Ringing World 5 Oct.2001 p.1005
Harrod, H. : 'Proceedings relating to the concealment of the Sanctus
Bell at Brampton' in Norfolk Archaeology Vol.1 pp.239-242
Hawkins, G. : 'St. Michael with St. Paul, Bath' in The Ringing World
11 May 1973 p.368; followed by letter from Cyril A. Wratten in The Ringing
World 1 June 1973 p.434
Haybittle, J. : 'Gillett & Johnston Ltd. Bell founders of Croydon. A
History (1844-1950)' (Unpublished B.A. (Hons.) thesis, University of
Sheffield, 1985)
Hayson, D. : 'Bells and Ringers on
Film' in Ringing World 31 January 2003 pp.53-4
Hedgcock, J. :
'The Church Bells of St.Helen's, Lancashire' in Ringing World
28 July 1967 pp.536-7, 4 August 1967 p.554, and 11 August 1967 p.570
Heighton, D. : 'Ringing in the Norwich Diocese from 1911' in The Ringing
World 20 March 1981 p.271
Helmholtz, H. : On the Sensations of Tone Dover Publications
(1954 reprint) [Note by Bill Hibbert : Good basic introduction to
musical acoustics, with a very small amount on bells
Hemming Arthur G. : “Dated English Bell-metal Mortars” in The Connoisseur pp.158-166
Herschell, D. J : 'The bells of London Town - 1836' [review of rings of
bells and steeplekeeping arrangements following the fire at
Spitalfields] in The Ringing World 24 July 1981 pp.658-9
Herschell, D. J. : 'Francis Edward Robinson' in The Ringing World 7
January 1983 pp.6-9; article 'F.E. Robinson � a remarkable man' in
Ringing World 14 January 1983 pp.28-9 marked 'to be continued' but
second part not found; brief note in The Ringing World 8 April 1983
Heyman, J. 'The Strengthening of the West Tower of Ely Cathedral' in
Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Part I (1976) 60,
Feb pp.123-147
Heyman, Jaques
and Threlfall, Brian : 'Inertia forces due to bell-ringing' in International
Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Vol 18 pp. 161-164 1976
Heyman, J. and Threlfall, B. D. : “Inertia Forces due to Bell-Ringing” in International Journal of Mechanical Science Vol.18 pp.161-4 (Oxford, 1976), reprinted in Jacques Heyman Arches, Vaults and Buttresses (1996) pp.195-219
Hibbert, W. A. : 'The Sound and Tuning of Painswick Bells' in
Ringing World 9 Nov.2001 pp.113-4� in response to note on
correspondence in Bell News in 1901 referred to in The Ringing
World 5 Oct.2001 p.1008; further correspondence in The Ringing World
14 Dec.2001 pp.1250-1
Hibbert, W. A. : 'Recording and digitising bell sounds' October 2002 :
Hibbert, W. A. : 'Taylors of Loughborough and true-harmonic tuning' by
Bill Hibbert in The Ringing World 29 March 2002 p.312-3
Hipkins, E. C. : 'Repton's merry bells' in the Derbyshire
Archaeological and Natural History Society Vol.19 pp.14-9
Hiscock, R. H. : “Some notes on the bells of St.George’s Church, Gravesend” in Archaeologia Cantiana Vol.CII (1985) pp.27-41
Hope, R. C. : 'English Bellfounders' [a list of founders, their places
of work and dates to 1893] in Archaeological Journal Vol.I
Hope, W. H. St John ; 'An account of the ring of bells now in the tower
of the church of All Saints, Derby' in the Journal of the
Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Vol.1 (1879)
Howard, H. M. : 'The Craft of Bell Founding' in The Ringing World 5
January 1968 p.5 and 12 January 1968 p.20
Hudson, H. A. : 'An account of the Manchester Cathedral Bells' in the Transactions
of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society 1899 pp.75-86
Hughes, Alan : Whitechapel Bell Foundry: Interview with Alan Hughes, in
The Ringing World 12 July 2002 pp.701-3
Humphries, E. L. 'The Society of Liverpool College Youths' in
Ringing World 27 August 1976 p.710
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Izat, J. R. : 'An Ancient Bell at Streatley' in The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Archaeological Journal Vol.II p.109
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Jackson, Derek : 'Ringing Anniversaries in the new century' in
Ringing World 15 March 2002 pp.258, 283
Jenkins, E. : 'Commemoration of the 1910 peal of Cambridge Maximus at
Ipswich' by Edward Jenkins and George W. Pipe in The Ringing World
30 October 1970 p.850
Jennings, T. S. Campanological Activities and their effect on the
Parish Church Budget between 1500 and 1714 (Unpublished
Dissertation Portsmouth Polytechnic 1984/5)
Jennings, Trevor S : Temporary site bellfounding technology and the itinerant
bellfounder's technique (Loughborough, 2006)
Jessop, O. (1988) 'Norfolk Bells and the Millennium', Church
Archaeology 2, 50-52
John, M. : Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Guild: Diamond Jubilee History
in The Ringing World 21 October 1983 pp.881-2
Johnson, Elizabeth 'Evidence for Bell Founding in New Alresford' in
Ringing World 8 March 1996 p.247
Jones, R : 'Visitors to Birmingham - a Tuesday evening in 1867' in
Ringing World 27 January 1984 p.69
Jones, R. 'He is indeed a wonder': The background to the Birmingham
celebrations of Henry Johnson in The Ringing World 18/25 December
1987 pp.1117-9
Jones, R. L. 'The earliest Bull Ring peal board rediscovered' in
Ringing World 10 May 1996 p.485
Jones, R. L. : 'The first radio broadcast' [from St.Martin's in 1924]
in The Ringing World 1 October1982 p.816
Joyce, D. M. :Henry Abraham Hopkins (Cumberland Youth b.1852-d.1940):
'Henry Abraham Hopkins' Peal Book' in The Ringing World 13 January
1978 p.28
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Keating, John D : Bells in Australia Melbourne University Press (1979)
Keene, A. G. : '200 years of change-ringing at St.Michael's, Aldbourne'
in The Ringing World 12 July 1991 pp.661, 666-7
Kelly, D. 'The Sound of Bells' in the The Ringing World 1997 pp.
239-40, 394-7, 631-2, 749 : This was also published on the following
web site : http://btinternet.com/~kelktek/page17.html
Kennett, D. H. : "The Products of an Eighteenth Century Bell Foundry at
Wootton: a static distribution reviewed" [the work of Thomas Russell
and William Emerton of Wootton] in Beds. Archaeological Journal
Vol.10 (1975) pp.71-74
Ketteringham, J. R. : 'Arthur
Christopher Benson (1862-1925)' in The Ringing World 14 February
2003 p.149
Ketteringham, J. R. : 'Thomas North and Henry Winn' in The Ringing
World 3 October 1986 pp.872-3
Ketteringham J. R. : 'The Bells and Ringers of Lincoln Cathedral � Great Tom' in The Ringing
World 24 May 1985 pp.453-5
Ketteringham J. R. : 'Bells and Ringers of Lincoln Cathedral' in
Ringing World 19 August 1983 pp.684-5
Ketteringham, J. R. : 'The Use of Church Bells in the Diocese of Lincoln
1536 � 1799' (Unpublished MPhil thesis University of Loughborough
Ketteringham, J. R. : 'Sid Holt remembers' edited by John R. Ketteringham
in The Ringing World 5 October 1984 pp.848-9
King, M. : Letter concerning Henry Symondson, handbell founder, in
Ringing World 10 March 1967 with replies from William J. Whitmore
in The Ringing World 24 March 1967 p.200 and W. Wagstaff in The Ringing
World 14 April 1967 p.250
King, P. I. : 'Thomas Eayre of Kettering and other members of his
family' in Northamptonshire Past and Present Vol.1 no.5 (1952)
Kippin, Heather : 'One hundred years of ladies peal ringing' in
Ringing World 29 March 1996p.317
Kuhlicke, F. W. : 'The Lost Peal of St.John the Baptist, Bedford' in
the Bedfordshire Magazine Vol.1 no.2 (Autumn 1947) pp.57-62 and
ibid Vol.1 no.3 (Winter 1947/8) pp.103-6
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Laing, David : “Contract between the City of Edinburgh and John Meikle for a chime of musical bells, 1698” in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland c.1883 pp.196-201
Lansdown, M. Trowbridge: Article on bells and ringers in The Ringing
World 10 June 1983 pp.460-1
Lawrance, H. Mellor, Derbys: 'Mellor bells' in the Journal of the
Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Vol.48 p.121
Lehr, A. 'Contemporary Dutch Bell Founding Art' in Hedendaagse
Nederlandse Klokkengletkunst, Netherlands Acoustic Society
Publiocation No. 7, 1965 pp. 20-49 (reprinted in Rossing � see below).
Lehr, A. 'Partial Groups in the Bell Sound' in Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America 1986 Vol 79 pp. 2000-2011
Lewis, C. 'John Jolly: The Grahamstown Bell Founder' in The Ringing
World 2 August 2002 p.787
Lewis, C. A. 'Dublin Founders of Ringing Bells' [Murphy, Sheridan,
Hodges and O'Byrne] in The Ringing World 7 June 2002 pp.556-7,
Lewis, C. A. : 'Bells and Bell Ringers in South Africa 1835-2000' in
Ringing World 6 April 2001 pp.341-3 and 27 April 2001 pp.425-8
Lewis, C. A. Glasbury: 'Glasbury on Wye Bells and Ringers 1839-1979' in
The Ringing World 14 December 1979 p.1068 and 21/28
December 1979 p.1099
Lewis, Paul : Shropshire Association: 70th anniversary article in
Ringing World 17 May 1996 pp.505-6, 509; 75th anniversary article
'Bigger than the rest! A celebration of 75 years of the Shropshire
Association' in The Ringing World 13 July 2001 pp.705, 717
Lollican, Agnes : “Some English Bell-founders and their mortars” in Chemist & Druggist 28 June 1958 pp.705-11
Lomas, Mrs S. C. The Edwardian Inventories for Huntingdonshire
edited by Mrs. S.C. Lomas from transcripts by T. Craib, in Alcuin Club
Collections Vol.VII (1906)
London Surprise Royal: 'Record Length
peal of London Royal' (25,560 changes on handbells at Worcester on 23
November 2002) in The Ringing World 10 January 2003 pp.25-7
Long, E. T. :
'Dorset Church dedications' with Appendix III listing (pp.55-7)
churches with mediaeval bells in the Proceedings of the Dorset
Natural History Society and Antiquarian Field Club Vol.52 pp.30-58
Lukis, W. C. : 'On Church Bells with some notices of Wiltshire Bells'
in Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine Vol.II (1855) pp.40-82;
'Bells of Co. Wilts and their inscriptions' by Lukis in ibid
pp.205-11, 333-355, Vol.III pp.182-4 and Vol.IV pp.158-9
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
McFarlane : The Bells of St Stephen’s 1300-1998: Bellringing at St.Stephen’s, St.Albans (1998)
McLachlan, N.,
Cabrera, D. 'Calculated Pitch Sensations for New Musical Bell Designs',
in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music
Perception and Cognition, Sydney, 2002, pp. 600-603
Madge, S. J. : 'A summary of Gloucestershire bells' in
Gloucestershire Notes and Queries Vol.9 (1902) pp.111-2 and
pp.178-200 [gives numbers and dates of bells, including modern churches]
Malden, J. : 'The Bells are Ringing' [information on the Rudhall
family] in Gloucestershire Life March 1970 p.47
Manners' J. E. : 'The Language of
Sheep Bells' by J.E. Manners in Country Life 8 April 1971 p.839
Mew, C. F. : 'Ninety Years Young: A brief story of the Surrey
Association' in The Ringing World 21 August 1970 pp.662, 666
Meyer, E. Klaes, J. 'On the Strike Note of Bells' : in Uber den
Schlagton von Glocken, Naturwissenschaften 39 : 697-701, 1933
(reprinted in Rossing - see below).
Micklethwaite, J. T. : 'On a Flemish bell in Whalley Church, Lancs' in The
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries (2nd series) Vol.XV
Miles, H. : 'Oxford University Society of Change Ringers' in The Ringing
World 5 October 1979 p.852, 12 October 1979 p.880 and 19 October
1979 p.904
Morris, B. P. : 'Memories of the Peterborough Diocesan Guild' in
Ringing World 27 January 1984 pp.68-9
Morris E. : 'John Bunyan and Elstow Abbey' in The Ringing World 20
Dec.1968 pp.984-5 with additional information on Elstow Bells by Martyn
Morris, E. : "Bellringer Bunyan" [John Bunyan and Elstow bells] in the Bedfordshire
Magazine Vol.1 no.7 (Winter 1948/9) pp.267-9
Morton, H. V. : 'Ancient Society of College Youths' : Reprint of
article in the 'Ghosts of London' series, regarding a visit to a
College Youths' meeting and practice at the Coffee Pot in Warwick Lane
in about 1935, reprinted in The Ringing World 5 October 2001 p.993
Muskett, J. J. Cambridgeshire Church Goods: Inventories for the
County and the Isle of Ely for various years, 1538-1556 by J.J.
Muskett and C.H. Evelyn White
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Nash, J. G. : 'Rang with Gabriel Lindoff' in The Ringing World 31
January 1969 p.83
Nelson, P. : 'Two Mediaeval Italian Bells' in Transactions of the
Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire Vol.88 pp.257-8
[ Italian bells of 1471 and 1351 in the possession of the Society]
North, T. : 'Dr Parr on bells and bell-ringing' in The Antiquary
Vol 3 p. 157
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Ockleton, C. M. G. : 'Extracts from the Ipswich Journal' in
Ringing World 1 February 1991 p.110
Ohlsson, Herr: 'Herr Ohlsson of L�beck' by John C. Eisel in The Ringing
World 7 September 2001 p.909
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Page, M : 'Ludlow Church Bells, Clock & Chimes 1460-1900: Part 1 � The bells & clocks of St.Laurence's
church, Ludlow' in Antiquarian Horology Vol.28 No.6 (June 2005) pp.744-753;
'Part 2 � The chimes of St.Laurence's Church, Ludlow' in ibid Vol.29 no.2
(December 2005) pp.227-234
Pan Jie, Li Xiaodong and Tian Jing : “On acoustical properties of ancient Chinese musical bells” in the proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vienna, 2006
Parham, M. : 'Ding Dong Merrily' in Country
Life 16 Dec.1993 pp.28-31
Park, R. 'The Durham and Newcastle Association 1877-1977' in The Ringing
World 16 September 1977 pp.789-91
Pearson, D. W. 'The Church of Holy Trinity Hagworthingham : Dating the
Construction of its Bell Tower Frame' in Lincolnshire History and
Archaeology Vol 25 (1990)
Pearson, Rev. W. C. : 'Theodore
Eccleston of Crowfield Hall Esquire' in Bell News 5 Sept.1908
Pearson, Rev. William C. (Vicar of Henley, Suffolk) : Some Particulars of the Principal Rings of Bells in the Eastern Counties [Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex and Huntingdonshire], Smiths, Suitall Press, Ipswich, 1910
Peck, E. Saville : 'Notes upon a Cambridge collection of Bell metal
Mortars' in the Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society
Vol.32 (1930) pp.24-32
Perrin, R. Charnley, T., Swallowe, G. M. 'On the tuning of church and
carillon bells' in Applied Acoustics 46 (1995) pp. 83- 101)
Perrin, R., Charnley, T., DePont, 'Normal Modes of the Modern English
Church Bell' in Journal of Sound and Vibration (1983) 90 (1),
pp. 29-49
Perrin, R., Swallowe, G. M., Charnley, T., Marshall C. 'On the
debossing, Annealing and Mounting of Bells' in Journal of Sound and
Vibration (1999) 227 (2), pp 409-425
Phillips, A. J. Geary, Sir Francis: 'Admiral Sir Francis Geary - a
short treatise on a remarkable man' by A. James Phillips in The Ringing
World 15 March 1996 p.271
Pickford, C. J 'And it still happens' [hoax peal at Wellingborough] in The Ringing
World 5 December 1980 p.1050
Pickford, C. J. 'Leicester's first 'lost ring': The bells of
St.George's, Leicester' in The Ringing World 29 March 1991, pp.302-6
Pickford, C. J. 'The Bedfordshire Association of Church Bell Ringers
1882-1982' in The Ringing World 12 March 1982 pp.207-11
Pickford, C. J. : 'Edward Simmons - Bellhanger and peal ringer' in
Ringing World 11 December 1992 pp.1199-1201
Pickford, C. J. : '200 years ago. Ringing round Northampton 1782:
extracted from the Northampton Mercury' in The Ringing World
30 April 1982 p.356
Pickford, C. J. : 'Bishop Hacket, Richard Keene and the Bells of
Lichfield Cathedral (1670-1688)' by Christopher J. Pickford in The Ringing
World 1 June 1984 pp.461, 468-71 and 8 June 1984 pp.493-4
Pickford, C. J. : 'Lichfield Bells, and the Society of Loyal Youths in
the City of Lichfield (1686-90)' in The Ringing World 27 May 1983
pp.423-4; 'Some background to the Lichfield Youths' by John C. Eisel in
Ringing World 24 June 1983 p.504; and letter by
Christopher J. Pickford 'A curious decision' in The Ringing World
15 July 1983 p.576
Pickford, C. J. : 'The Growth of Changeringing in the East Midlands' in
The Leicestershire Historian Vol.2 no.5 (1974)
Pickford, C. J. : Sileby and Barrow, Leics: 'An eighteenth century
rivalry' in The Ringing World 3 January 1975 pp.14-15
Pickford, C. J. : Walsgrave on Sowe: 'Interesting discoveries at 'The
Sowe' in The Ringing World 20/27 December 1985, pp.1078-80
Pickford, C. J. 'William Rayer's Mission: or how Longdon got new bells
in 1835' in The Ringing World 18/25 December 1992, pp.1230-1233
Pickford, C. J. Bedfordshire: 'Bedfordshire Clangers' in
Bedfordshire Magazine Vol.18 no.140 (Spring 1982) pp.142-149
Pickford, C. P. Barrow and Sileby, Leics: 'An eighteenth century
rivalry' in The Ringing World 3 January 1975 pp.14-15
Pipe, G. W. : 'Charles Sedgeley , Obituary in The Ringing World 23
February 1973 p.146
Pipe, G. W. : 'The Suffolk Guild 1923-1973' in The Ringing World 6
April 1973 pp.263-6
Pipe, G. W. : Obituary of Ernest W. Pye by, in The Ringing World 10
May 1996 pp.499-500
Pipe, G. W. Cambridge Maximus: 'Commemoration of the 1910 peal of
Cambridge Maximus at Ipswich' by Edward Jenkins and George W. Pipe in
Ringing World 30 October 1970 p.850
Pipe, G. W. Leiston: '60 years on - the Leiston Baileys' in The Ringing
World 26 November 1971p.1013
Pipe, George: 'The The Ringing World Interview � The Editor meets
George W. Pipe' in The Ringing World 8 November 2002 pp.1132-4
Pitt, W. C: Ashby : 'Wallasey Bells' in Transactions of the
Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire (New Series) Vol.7
Pollard, David :Cockey Family: The Astronomical Clockmaker Edward Cockey and other
Warminster Horologists (Bedeguar Books, Warminster, 1998)
Polster, B : The Mathematics of
Juggling (2002) [Note : There is a chapter on the mathematics of
bell ringing, with a connection between bell ringing and juggling]
Powney, D : The Bells & The Ringers of St.Nicholas Church, Bromham, Wiltshire (2003)
Povey, C. M. : Scattergood, Samuel: 'Scattergood - 300th anniversary
marked' in The Ringing World 31 January 1997 p.110
Poyner, H. : 'Richard Cross of Shrewsbury: Part I - 1765-1799 and the
earlier years of the Union Society' in The Ringing World 29 January
1982 pp.88-9, 5 February 1982 pp.107-8, 12 February 1982 pp.128-9, 19
February 1982 pp.149-50, 26 February 1982 pp.170- 171 and 5 March 1982
p.191; and letter from Christopher J. Pickford on 'Rudhall at St.
Chad's [Shrewsbury]' in The Ringing World 14 May 1982 p.396
Poyner, H. : 'Richard Cross of Shrewsbury: Part II - 1800-1848 the best
years, and then the long decline of the Union Society' by Harry Poyner
in The Ringing World 26 March 1982 pp.254-5, 2 April 1982 pp.274-5,
9 April 1982 pp.294-5, 16 April 1982 pp.317-8, and 23 April 1982
pp.228-9; letter from John C. Eisel in The Ringing World 4 June
1982 p.460 pp.1065-6
Preston, D. : 'The Keltek Trust �
Activities 2002' in The Ringing World 28 February 2003 pp.193-5, 197
Price, A. A.
'Parish Churches of Jersey' in The Ringing World 18 May 1973 p.391
and 1 June 1973 p.447
Price, B. D. 'Mathematical Groups in Campanology' in The
Mathematical Gazette Vol. 53 (1969) pp. 129-133
Price, Fiona : 'A study to investigate the therapeutic benefits of
church bell ringing' (Unpublished study for B.H. Sc. (Hons) Occ. Ther.,
University of Leeds, 1993)
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Raithby, J. : 'The Southwell Guild - 50 years on' in The Ringing World
5 April 1996 p.383
Rayleigh, Lord : 'On Bells' in The London, Edinburgh and Dublin
Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, Fifth Series, Vol 29
No. 176, January 1890. This paper is reproduced on the following web
site :
[Note by Bill Hibbert : Classic and first ever paper]
Reade, E. : 'Description of an old bronze bell found at Bottesford
Lincs.' in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries Nov 254
Reay, Muriel 'George Fearn's 2,500 peals' by Muriel Reay in The Ringing
World 1 September 1972 p.707; appreciation and report of memorial
service in The Ringing World 5 July 1974 pp.558-9; obituary in
Ringing World 6 September 1974 pp.727-8; analysis of his peals
(2667) by Vernon Green in The Ringing World 14 February 1975 p.139;
'George E. Fearn memorial' in The Ringing World 13 August 1976 p.675
Regan, M 'Mrs. Bird and the College Youths' [restrictions on ringing at
Bow] in The Ringing World 7 June 1996 pp.577-8
Regan, M. 'The Bells of London's Royal Exchange' in The Ringing World
19/26 December 1997 pp.1268-70,
Regan, M. : 'I do not know says the great bell of Bow - Gordon
Selfridge and the 1933 restoration of Bow Bells' in The Ringing World
20/27 December 1996 pp.1289-95
Rice, J.M. CIREL: An Error Detector and Logger for Church Bell Ringers
(Unpublished M.Sc. dissertation, University of Bristol, May 1989)
Rice, R. G. : 'Some Account of Richard Eldridge, of Horsham,
Bellfounder, and Notes upon the Bells of St. Mary's Church' in Sussex
Archaeological Collections vol 31 (1881)
Richards, J. (1993) The Bedern Foundry: The Archaeology of York
fascicule 10/3. York: The Council for British Archaeology
Richardson, Mrs A. : 'W.J. Sevier, of Gloucester' in Bell News
12 July 1890 p.185; 'William Sevier and his pram' in The Ringing World
11 July 1969 p.542; letter from F.J. Lewis in The Ringing World 25
July 1969 p.582; Article on the ringing career of William J. Sevier
(1864-1924) by John C. Eisel in The Ringing World 22/29 December
1989 pp.1158-60
Rigby, P. J. 'The Redcliffe Amateur Ringers' Society: some notes from
the minute book 1869-1870' in The Ringing World 21 March 1975 p.249
Roast J. E. G. 'Two notable Essex clerics: T.L. Papillon and H.T.W.
Eyre' by J.E.G. Roast in The Ringing World 24 September 1976 p.790;
letter from J.P. Fidler concerning Eyre in The Ringing World 15
October 1976 p.860
Roast, J. E. G. : 'Arthur T. Morris handbell tapping controversy' by
J.E.G. Roast in The Ringing World 10 December 1976 p.1026
Roast, J. E. G. : 'Writtle: its place in Essex ringing' in The Ringing
World 1 June 1979 pp.449-51
Roberts, W. H. : Hatton, Warwicks: 'Four centuries of a village peal'
(illustrated) in Country Life 1960 (5 May) p.1007
Robertson, J. : 'Salisbury Guild's 100 years' in The Ringing World
10 September 1982 pp.755-6
Rogers, Rosemary 'Priory Church of the Holy Trinity, Christchurch' in The Ringing
World 13 September 1996 pp.925-6
Rossing, T. D. Acoustics of Bells
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984 [Note by Bill Hibbert : A
collection and translation into English of the classic papers]
Rushton, A. E. : Steel, Miss Evelyn: Obituary in The Ringing World
29 June 1973 p.512; notes of her peals (260) in The Ringing World
17 April 1973 p.652
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Scott, J. G. M : Fred Sharpe : Obituary appreciation by E.A. Barnett in
The Ringing World 5 March 1976 pp.210-211; report of
memorial service in The Ringing World 2 April 1976 pp.294-5
Scott, J. G. M. Devon: 'A Day out with G. Flat [Fred Sharpe]' in
Ringing World 16 August 1968 p.638
Scott, Revd J. G. M. 'The Community, the Church and the Ringers - or
what shall we do about the Vicar? [disputes between clergy and ringers]
in The Ringing World 18 July 1975 pp.597-8, 25 July 1975 p.616, 1
August 1975 p.627, and 8 August 1975 pp.647-8
Sharpe, F. : 'Fabian Stedman' in The Ringing World 10 December 1971
Sharpe, F. Avington, Berks: 'A Berkshire discovery' [C13th bell at
Avington] in The Ringing World 9 August 1974 pp.652-3
Shepherd, E. C. 'One or two I sometime knew' by in The Ringing World
1978 - for details see under Fearn, Groves, Martineau, Miller, Morris,
Neal, Russam, Smith, Walker, and Withers
Shepherd, E. C. 'The fight for the 40,000' [i.e. 40,320 Bob Major] in The Ringing
World 6 May 1977 p.373, 13 May 1977 p.403, 20 May 1977 p.418, 27
May 1977 p.462, 3 June 1977 p.479, and10 June 1977 p.491
Shepherd, E. C. .: 'Geoffrey A. Martineau of Solihull' in The Ringing
World 17 August 1979 p.711-2
Shepherd, E. C. : 'John Neal' in The Ringing World 20 October 1978
Shepherd, E. C. : 'Morris J. Morris' in The Ringing World 4 August
1978 p.663
Shepherd, E. C. : 'Tragedy at Southwark' [false long peal of Stedman
Cinques in 1923] in The Ringing World 7 October 1977 p.879 and 14
October 1977 p.891
Shepherd, E. C. : 'Albert Walker' in The Ringing World 4 May 1979
Shepherd, E. C. : 'Alfred Paddon Smith' in The Ringing World 2
March 1979 p.188
Shepherd, E. C. : 'Gabriel Lindoff 1868-1941' in The Ringing World
20 Dec.1968 p.983
Shepherd, E. C. : 'George R. Pye: 1872-1945' in The Ringing World
23 June 1972 p.496
Shepherd, E. C. : 'Harry Withers' in The Ringing World 24 November
1978 p.1018; and letter (with photograph) in The Ringing World 10
August 1979 p.679; letter in The Ringing World 24 August 1979 p.715
Shepherd, E. C. : 'John Carter 1854-1927' in The Ringing World 31
March 1967 p.213
Shepherd, E. C. : 'Solihull's notable ringing tradition' in The Ringing
World 21 February 1969 p.139
Shepherd, E. C. : 'The Ladies' [lady ringers] in The Ringing World
16 July 1982 pp.592-4
Shepherd, E. C. : 'The Painswick Fiasco [1931]' by in The Ringing World
19 November 1976 p.980 and 26 November 1976 p.1002; letter from R.H.
Dove in The Ringing World 17 December 1976 p.1050
Shepherd, E. C. : 'Thomas Russam' in The Ringing World 16 June 1978
p.512; letter from Thomas R. Butler in The Ringing World 4 August
1978 p.650
Shepherd, E. C. : 'Tom Miller' in The Ringing World 3 March 1978
Shepherd, E. C. : 'William Micklewright' in The Ringing World 18
August 1972 p.667; further letter from Martin D. Fellows in The Ringing
World 8 September 1972 p.718
Shepherd, E. C. : 'William Pye: 1870-1935' in The Ringing World 7
August 1970 p.611; letter from C.T.W. Coles with further information in
Ringing World 28 August 1970 p.674; 'William Pye in
Cornwall' by Canon A.S. Roberts in The Ringing World 4 September
1970 p.693
Shepherd, E. C. 'Dodginess at Dublin [1897]' in The Ringing World
11 March 1977 p.202 and 18 March 1977
Shepherd, E. C. Fussell, W.H.: 'Fussell's futile little fiddle' [Holme
Lacy 'peal' 1892] in The Ringing World 16 September 1977 pp.811-2
Shepherd, E. C.: 'Silent Peals' in The Ringing World 28 November
1980 p.1031, 5 December 1980, and 12 December 1980 p.1071; letter from
Edgar C. Shepherd in The Ringing World 30 January 1981 p.109
Shepherd, Edgar C. 'George Fearn' in The Ringing World 10 August
1979 p.687
Shepherd, Edgar C. : 'James E. Groves' in The Ringing World 30
March 1979 p.271; letter from John Eisel in The Ringing World 27
August 1982 p.712; letter from Eric Speake in The Ringing World 1
October 1982 p.813
Shouten, J. F., t'Hart ; 'The Strike Note of Bells' in De Slagtoon
van Klocken; Netherlands Acoustical Society Publication No 7, pp.
6-19, 1965 (Reprinted in Rossing - see
Sim, Douglas Carlisle Diocesan Guild: History in The Ringing World
1 July 1983 pp.525-6 [also other articles in this period]
Simpson, A. B. : 'On Bell Tones No. II' in The Pall Mall Magazine,
Vol X, September to December 1896 pp 150-155 reproduced on this web
site :http://www.hibberts.co.uk
Simpson, A. B. : 'On Bell Tones' in The Pall Mall Magazine, Vol VII,
September to December 1895 pp 183-194 reproduced on this web site : http://www.hibberts.co.uk
Simpson, A. B. : Why bells sound out of tune and how to cure them
(1897) � pamphlet containing reprint of papers originally published in
The Pall Mall Magazine, i.e. 'Why Bells sound out of Tune' (October
1895) and 'How to Cure Them' (September 1896) with a running header 'On
Bell Tones' and some additional material
Skelton, N. : 'Bells in churches
cared for by the CCT' in The Ringing World 7 March 2003 pp.217-8,
Skelton, N. O. : 'Thomas Blackbourn, Bellfounder' in The Ringing World 9 April
1976 p.320
Slater, S. : 'Robert Perry: A Ringer who turned out Rogue' [and other
extracts from the notebooks of Samuel Slater of Glemsford regarding
ringing in East Anglia] in The Ringing World 19 August 1977 p.722
(reprinted from The Ringing World 10 February 1941)
Smith, R. B. : 'A Ringer's Handbook from 1742' by Robert B. Smith in
Ringing World 10 March 1978 p.215, 25 August 1978 p.711 [further
instalments printed at intervals over a very long period of
time (years!) � and possibly never completed], 8 April 1983 p.279, 7
September 1990 p.860, 26 October 1990 p.1029, 18 January 1991 p.57,
Smith, R. B. : 'Life among the bells' - series of articles containing
the recollections of Robert B. Smith in The Ringing World (cont
from 1995 p.1146), 1996 pp.62, 321-2
Snowden, Hilda: Obituaries in The Ringing
World 7 March 2003 p.236
Speake, E. E. : 'Bells and bell ringing in South Staffordshire' by E.E. Speake in The Ringing
World 24 June 1983 pp.502 and 505, 8 July 1983 pp.557-8, 22 July
1983 pp.599-600, 12 August 1983 pp.662-3, and 2 September 1983 pp.724-6
Staniforth, P. J. : Midland Counties Association: 'I remember it well -
M.C.A. to L.D.G' in The Ringing World 12 January 1996 pp.35-7
Staniforth, P. J. : Leicester Diocesan Guild: 'I remember it well -
M.C.A. to L.D.G' in The Ringing World 12 January 1996 pp.35-7;
'Leicester Guild's 50th anniversary celebrations' in The Ringing World
3 May 1996 pp.457
Staniforth, Peter J. : The Bells of Leicester Cathedral by Peter J. Staniforth (2001)
Stephan, Dom John O.S.B : 'The Buckfast Abbey Bells' in the
Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Art,
Literature and Science Vol.68 pp.215-20
Stickland, Rev G. : 'The Longney Tankard' in The Ringing World 5
April 1996 p.344
Stoecklin, Tina : 'H.T. Ellacombe, 19th century belfry reformer' by Tina
Stoecklin in The Ringing World 20/27 December 1996 pp.1273-7;
'Further notes on the Rev. H.T. Ellacombe' by J.C. Eisel in The Ringing
World 31 January 1997 pp.111-2
Stoecklin, Tina Rae : 'The Kilifi Ringers: How a translocal network of
musicians maintains a consistent ringing tradition across cultural
boundaries' (Unpublished D.Phil thesis, Wolfson College, Oxford, 1999)
Swanson, H. C. : 'Craftsmen and Industry in Late Medieval York',
(Unpublished D. Phil thesis University of York 1980)
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Tack, W. A. 'How the Major Record was broken' [peal of 18,144 Bob Major
at Benington in 1933] in The Ringing World 22/29 December 1978
Taylor, H. E. : Midland Counties Association: 'Golden Jubilee Year
1979' [formation of Peak District as the 8th branch of the MCA and
history from 1929-1979] in The Ringing World 29 February 1980 p.190
Taylor, John : 'Dursley Ringer convicted' by John Taylor - about
William Champion (b.1801-d.1871) of Dursley, transported to Tasmania in
1823, later responsible for the installation of the bells at Holy
Trinity Hobart in 1847 - in The Ringing World 5 Oct.2001 p.990
Taylor, P. 'Two Hundred Years of History' Dinner Menu with history of
the Taylor Family. This item is reproduced on the following web site : http://www.hibberts.co.uk/taylhist.htm
Terhardt, E. ' Strike Note of bells' : [Note by
Bill Hibbert : An introduction to Terhardt's work on bell acoustics]
Terhardt, E., : 'Perception of Auditory Pitch': This undated paper has
been published on the following web site : http://mmk.el.tum.de/persons/ter.html
Terhardt, E., Seewann, M. 'Auditive und objektive Bestimmung de
Schlagtonh�ne von historischen Kirchenglocken' in Acoustica
1984 Vol 54 pp. 129-144. [Note by Bill Hibbert : Aural and algorithmic
determination of the strike notes of 17 and 137 church bells. Bill adds
that he is in the process of translating this paper into English]
Terhardt, E., Stoll, G., Seewann, M. : 'Algorithm for extractiomn of
pitch and pitch salience from complex tonal signals'. In Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America 1982 Vol. 71 pp 679-688. [Note
by Bill Hibbert : Directly relevant to determination of the strike note
of bells]
Terhardt, E., Stoll, G., Seewann, M., : 'Pitch of complex signals
according to virtual pitch theory : Tests, examples and predictions' in
Jo urnal of the Acoustical Society of America 1982 Vol.
71 pp 671-678. [Note by Bill Hibbert : Directly relevant to
determination of the strike note of bells]
Thoms, George Hunter MacThomas : Edinburgh, St.Giles, Scotland (Midlothian): “The bells of St.Giles, Edinburgh, with a notice of the missing bells of the Chapel of Holyrood House” in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 14 January 1884 pp.94-102
Thornton, W. H. : 'The Bells of North Bovey' in Devon and Cornwall
Notes and Queries Vol.8 pp.118-20
Threlfall, B. D. and Heyman, J : “Inertia Forces due to Bell-Ringing” in International Journal of Mechanical Science Vol.18 pp.161-4 (Oxford, 1976), reprinted in Jacques Heyman Arches, Vaults and Buttresses (1996) pp.195-219
Thurlow, A. G. : 'Norwich Cathedral Bells' by Gilbert Thurlow in
Ringing World 14 July 1972 p.568
Tilley, Rev H. T. : 'The Church Bells of Warwickshire' (a paper read on
20 February 1878) in Transactions of the Birmingham & Midland
Institute Vol.IX (1878) pp.10-18, and 'The Church Bells of
Warwickshire' (second paper � read 24 February 1892) in ibid
Vol.XVII (1892) pp.14-27
Trollope, J. A. : 'The Ringing Exercise in the Eighteenth Century'
being the seventh chapter of an unpublished history of London Ringing
in The Ringing World 4 September 1942 in The Ringing World 13
March 1981 p.228 and 238, 20 March 1981 p.259, 27 March 1981 p.287, 24
April 1981 p.371, 1 May 1981 p.390
Trollope, J. A. : 'The Dekyns of Coventry : medieval bell ringers' in The Ringing
World 22 December 1939 pp 757-8 and 29 December 1929 pp 769-70
Turner, Rev T. A. : 'Bell foundries in the County of Buckingham' in
The Records of Buckinghamshire Vol.IV (1870) pp.123-7
Turner, Rev T. A. : 'Padworth Bells' in the Transactions of the
Newbury and District Field Club (1872-5) pp.116-7
Tyssen A. D. : 'The History of the Whitechapel Bell-Foundry' in
Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society
Vol.5 New Series (1925) pp.195-226
Tyssen, A. D. 'John Barber of Salisbury, Brazier' in Wiltshire
Archaeological Magazine Vol.XXXV (1907-8) pp.351-69
Tyssen, A. D. : 'On the ancient bell at Grocers' Hall' in
Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society NS
Vol IV Part II (1919)
Tyssen, A. D. : 'Review of the Church Bells of Suffolk' in
Archaeological Journal Vol XLVIII (1891)
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Uphill, M. J. : 'London Surprise Royal' by Michael J. Uphill in Ringing World 5 January 1996 pp.7-8
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Vigor, P. C. : "The Father of Bedfordshire Change-Ringing" [Charles
Herbert of Woburn] in the Bedfordshire Magazine Vol.5 no.39
(Winter 1956/7) pp. 267-272
Volk, C. Knole, Sevenoaks, Kent : 'The Dumb-Bell at Knole: A
Seventeenth-Century Exercising Device' in Gervase Jackson-Stops
(Editor) National Trust Studies 1981 (Sotheby Parke Bernet 1981
- ISBN 0 85667 110 X) pp.133-8
Top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Walcott, Mackenzie E. C. : “Inventories of Church Goods, and Chantries of Wilts” in The Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Magazine Vol.XII no.XXXVI (Dec 1870) pp.354-383
Walesby, T. : Articles on the bells of certain London churches in
The Builder from about 1867-8 (mainly findable under 'bells'
through the published indexes to the periodical) � including St.Paul's
Cathedral [c.1867]; Royal Exchange [c.1867]; Westminster Abbey, in Builder
9 May 1868 p.340; St.Mary le Bow, in Builder 30 May 1868
p.395; Southwark Cathedral, in Builder 13 June 1868 p.434;
St.Martin in the Fields, in Builder 1 August 1868 p.575;
St.Bride's, Fleet Street, in Builder 22 Aug.1868 p.629;
St.Mary Abbots, Kensington, in Builder 27 Feb.1869 p.169;
St.Giles, Cripplegate, in Builder 13 March 1869 p.209;
St.Clement Danes, in Builder 27 March 1869 p.250; St.Margaret,
Westminster, in Builder 10 April 1869 p.290; St.Michael,
Cornhill, in Builder 7 May 1870 p.370; Palace of Westminster,
in Builder 17 Dec 1870 p.1010
Walker, J. Severn : 'Detached Church Belfries, with special reference
to those in the county of Hereford' in AASRP Vol.10 pp.295- 306
Walker, J. W. : 'A Bell Founder's Bond 1677' [casting a treble for Bray
church in 1677] in The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Archaeological Journal
Vol.XX pp.29-32
Walker, P. : 'Oxford Society of Change Ringers' by Philip Walker in
Ringing World 28 October pp.947-8, 4 November 1977 p.963, 11
November 1977 p.985, 18 November 1977 p.1007, 25 November 1977 p.1027,
2 December 1977 p.1050, 9 December 1977 p.1079, 16 December 1977
p.1095, and 23/20 December 1977 p.1129
Walker, R. : 'Cambridgeshire Bell Frames' in Proceedings of the
Cambridge Antiquarian Society Vol.XV pp.81-113
Walters, H. B. : 'Our Church Bells
and Their Historians' in The Ringing World 27 July 1934 pp.469-70
Walters, H. B. : 'bell ringing in Worcester churches, 1406' [concerning a document about
bell ringing unearthed in the Cathedral library] in Transactions
of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society (New Series) Vol.XI
(1934) pp.144-8
Walters, H. B. : 'The Sanctus Bell at Fladbury' in Transactions of
the Worcestershire Archaeological Society (new Series) Vol.IX
(1932) pp.27-30
Walters, H. B. : 'The Sanctus Bell at Fladbury' in Transactions of
the Worcestershire Archaeological Society (new Series) Vol.IX
(1932) pp.27-30
Walters, H. B. : 'A dated mediaeval bell from Minchinhampton, Gloucs'
in the Antiquaries Journal Vol.VI pp.294-303
Walters, H. B. : 'Miscellaneous notes on Gloucestershire Bells' in
Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society
Vol.42 (1920) pp.149-79 [a few corrections and additions to Ellacombe,
and a list of new bells 1880-1914]
Walters, H. B. : 'Some 13th Century English Bells' in The
Antiquaries Journal Vol.VI (1925) pp.416-431
Walters, H. B. : 'The Church Bells of Gloucestershire' in
Transactions of the Bristol and GloucesterArchaeological Society
Vol.18 (1893-4) pp.218-251 [general account of bells and their
founders] and ibid Vol.20 (1895-7) pp.222-232 [notes on
individual parishes]
Walters, H. B. : 'The Gloucestershire Bell Founders' in Transactions
of the Bristol and GloucesterArchaeological Society Vol.34 (1911)
pp.110-119 [founders who cast bells at Gloucester] and ibid
Vol.41 (1918-19) pp.49-86 [the Bristol Foundry]
Walters, H. B. : Note on the Accounts relating to the recasting of a
bell for St.Michael's, Worcester in 1660 on which the old inscription
was reproduced in facsimile by John Martin, in Transactions of the
Worcestershire Archaeological Society (New Series) Vol.XVII
Walters, H.B. : 'London Church Bells and Bell Founders' in the
Transactions of the St.Paul's Ecclesiological Society Vol.VI
Walters, H.B. : 'The Church Bells of Middlesex' in Transactions
of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Vol.11 pp.137-44 and
237-40, Vol.18 pp.56-59 and Vol.19 pp.57-9 and 108-112
Walters, H. B. : (1920) 'Church Bells of Somerset', (unpublished
manuscript held at the Somerset record office)
Ward, N. 'Bells: A Conservation Study', unpublished dissertation for a
Diploma in Conservation Studies, University of York (1980
Waren, Jeremy : 'Redundancy � a new chapter in the life of the Church
of All Saints, Westlegate, Norwich' by Jeremy Warren and Paul
Cattermole, with notes on the Brend family and All Saints, in The Ringing
World 21/28 Dec 2001 pp.1257-7, 1277-9
Warrilow, R. J. : 'The history of the leather jack or jug of St.Mary's,
Stafford' [1750 with names of ringers in 1798 also] in The Ringing World
24/31 December 1982 p.1083
Watkins, J. E. : 'The Bells in Thornborough Church' [a description of
the old bells before they were replaced by a ring of steel bells] in
The Records of Buckinghamshire Vol.2 pp.286
Webb, Rev. N. : The Parish Church
of St Michael and All Angels, Thornhill, The Story of the Installation
of the New Bells in 1980
Wein, Elizabeth E. : 'Part of the pattern: Class and society reflected in the English Art
of change ringing' (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of
Pennsylvania, 1994)
Westcott, W. : Bells and their Music : G. P. Puttnam, New
York, 1979
White, C. H. E. : Cambridgeshire Church Goods: Inventories for the
County and the Isle of Ely for various years, 1538-1556 by J.J.
Muskett and C.H. Evelyn White (1940)
Whitehead, A. P. : : '[J.S.] Wilde about New Zealand' in The Ringing
World 8 November 2002 pp.1129-31
Whitehead, Rev. F. : 'Pembridge Church and belfry' in the
Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club for 1901
Whitley, H. M. : 'Church Goods of Cornwall at the time of the
reformation' by H. Michael Whitley in the Journal of the Royal
Institute of Cornwall Vol.7 pp.92-135 [includes bells]
Wilde, J. S : 'Bread Cast on the Waters � a Cheshire memory' [about
James S. Wilde, ringing at Hyde, and record peal of minor in 1923] by
John P. Fidler in The Ringing World 17 January 1969 p.55
Willans, W. : 'Who were they?' [the ringers of the first known peal at
Bath Abbey � 5040 Grandsire Triples on 10 March 1834 by William Willans
in The Ringing World 20/27 December 2002 pp 1286, 1290
Williamson, F. ; 'George Sorocold,of Derby, a pioneer of water supply'
[includes reference to Sorocold's design for the bellframe at All
Saints, Derby ] in the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and
Natural History Society Vol.57 pp.47-8
Willis, Anne : 'Devizes Bellfounders' [James Bartlett, James Burrough
and William Box] in The Ringing World 13 June 2001 pp.706 and 720
Witts, Rev F. E. B. : 'Bells of Gloucester Cathedral' in
Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society
Vol.1 (1882- 3) pp.127-39
Witts, Rev F. E. B. : 'Old Bells in Gloucestershire Belfries' in
Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society
Vol.7 pp.56-68
Wood, Revd E. : 'The Stedman Family' in The Ringing World 12 July
2002 p.725
Woodger, A. : 'Post-Reformation Mixed Gothic in Huntingdonshire Church
Towers and its Campanological Associations' in Archaeological
Journal Vol.141 (1984) pp.269-308
Woolley, R. : 'Nottingham Date-Book' in The Ringing World 3 August
1979 p.659; letter from Cyril A. Wratten in The Ringing World 31
August 1979 p.738
Worth, R. H. : 'Dartmoor sheep bells' in Transactions of the
Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Art, Literature and
Science Vol.70 pp.297-8, Vol.71 pp.329-30 and Vol.80 pp.233-4
Wratten, C. A. : 'Peals at Canterbury Cathedral' in The Ringing World
16 January 1981 p.48; letter from Cyril A. Wratten in The Ringing World
13 February 1981 p.143; letter from William T. Cook in The Ringing
World 20 March 1981 p.252; letter from David Cawley in The Ringing
World 1 May 1981 p.391
Wratten C. A. : 'To Six-Bell Ringers, & others' - Yorkshire
prize-ringing in the winter of 1825 in The Ringing World 18 April
1980 p.347, 25 April 1980 p.371, 18 July 1980 p.638, and 8 August 1980
Wratten C. A. America : 'Listen my Children and you shall hear' [Paul
Revere and Boston] (pp.571-2) and 'The Liberty Bell' (p.553) in The Ringing
World 2 July 1976
Wratten, C. A. : 'First peal at Clare' in The Ringing World 3 July
1981 p.578; letter from Archie Fitch in The Ringing World 7 August
1981; l etter from Alan P. Mayle in The Ringing World 16 October
1981 p.907
Wratten, C. A. : 'The City Scholars' in The Ringing World 19/26
December 1980 p.1116-7
Wratten, C. A. 'The College Youths' Cup (or Cap?) Final' [Sonning cup
1783] in The Ringing World 20/27 December 1974 p.1068
Wratten, C. A. : 'The College Youths who never were' in The Ringing World
21 January 1983 pp.52-3
Wratten, C. A. : 'Ringers and a Rebel [John Wilkes]' by Cyril A.
Wratten in The Ringing World 19 April 1974 p.323
Wratten, C. A. : 'Whenever you beat us...: Leeds and Wye, 1754-5' in
Ringing World 3 August 1973 pp.615-6
Wratten, C. A. : "All Saints, Worcester" in The Ringing World 25
February 1972 pp.154-5; with additional information from Cyril A.
Wratten in The Ringing World 24 March 1972 p.248
Wratten, C. A. : "Chaddesley Corbett 1784" in The Ringing World
19/26 December 1975 p.1049
Wratten, C. A. : "The College Youths who never were" by Cyril A.
Wratten in The Ringing World 21 January 1983 pp.52-3
Wratten, C. A. : 'A History of Spliced Minor' in The Ringing World
30 Jan.1970 p.67, 13 Feb.1970 p.107, 27 Feb.1970 p.149, 13 March 1970
p.189, 27 March 1970 p.229, 10 April 1970 p.269
Wratten, C. A. : 'A Stedman mystery solved' [peal composition used in
1799] in The Ringing World 19 March 1976 p.259
Wratten, C. A. : 'Ashton and Oldham 1740-1810' in The Ringing World
24/31 December 1976 pp.1092-3, 7 January 1977 pp.19-20, 14 January 1977
pp.34-35, and 21 January 1977 pp.63-4
Wratten, C. A. : 'Chaddesley Corbett 1784' in The Ringing World
19/26 December 1975 p.1049
Wratten, C. A. : 'Cotswold Rivalry: Stroud and Painswick in the 18th
Century' by Cyril A. Wratten in The Ringing World 23 July 1971
Wratten, C. A. : 'Cotswold Rivalry: Stroud and Painswick in the 18th
Century' in The Ringing World 23 July 1971 pp.646-7
Wratten, C. A. : 'Firing' by Cyril A. Wratten in The Ringing World
28 October 1977 p.928
Wratten, C. A. : 'James Barham and the Leeds Youths' by Cyril A.
Wratten in The Ringing World 12 Feb.1971 p.131, 19 Feb.1971
pp.164-5, 26 Feb.1971 pp.184-5, 5 March 1971 p.204, 12 March 1971 p.224
Wratten, C. A. : 'Old Cambridge Surprise' in The Ringing World 4
January 1980 p.14
Wratten, C. A. : 'The first 10,080s of Triples' in The Ringing World
3 July 1981 p.596
Wratten, C. A. : 'The Society of Painswick Youths' in The Ringing World
17 November 1972 pp.919 and 929, 24 November 1972 pp.948-9, 1 December
1972 p.968, and 8 December 1972 pp.988-9
Wratten, C. A. : 'William Manley Esq' [of Rochester. Master of
Cumberlands in 1772] in The Ringing World 19/26 December 1975 p.1052
Wratten, C. A. : 'A case of Pease and Beans' [rivalry between ringers
in Leicester and Kettering in 1730-1731] in The Ringing World 18
July 1975 pp.587-8
Wratten, C. A. : Letter on "Kings Norton Bells" in The Ringing World
4 February 1977 p.94
Wratten, C. A. : Minor: 'Annable's Magot & Blidworth' in The Ringing
World 1 August 1969 pp.599-600
Wratten, C. A. : Ringers' rules: 'The Good Old Days' in The Ringing
World 9 June 1972 p.466
Wratten, C. A. : Spliced minor: 'Crown Bob - and James Platt' in
Ringing World 11 April 1969 p.279 and 18 April 1969 p.300
Wratten, C. A. : Stedman, Fabian: 'Who wrote the Tintinnalogia?' in
Ringing World 22 Nov,1968 p.904
Wratten, C. A. : Wagers: 'I bet you...' in The Ringing World 23
August 1974 p.686
Wratten, C. A. : 'Kings Norton Bells' in The Ringing World 4 February
1977 p.94
Wratten, C. A. East Grinstead : Letter on 'Cricketer at East Grinstead?'
in The Ringing World 14 January 1983 p.24; letter on Lambert the
cricketer from John Riley in The Ringing World 28 January 1983
p.69; further letter from Cyril A. Wratten in The Ringing World 25
February 1983 p.156
Wratten, C. A. Helmingham : 'He gave the bells that they might ring' in The Ringing
World 21/28 December 1979 p.1077; letter from Christopher J.
Pickford on 'Helmingham's earlier bells' in The Ringing World 1
February 1980 p.106
Wratten, C. A. Leeds and Wye, Kent : 'Whenever you beat us...: Leeds and
Wye, 1754-5' in The Ringing World 3 August 1973 pp.615-6
Wratten, C. A. Quex Park : 'The Waterloo Tower, Quex Park, Birchington
on Sea' in The Ringing World 24 August 1979 pp.713-4; letter from
Cyril A. Wratten in The Ringing World 21 September 1979 pp.798-9
Wratten, C. A.: 'St.Mary the Virgin, Painswick, Gloucestershire; 150
years ago' in The Ringing World 6 August 1971 p.678
Wratten, C., A. : 'Early prize-ringing around Reading' in The Ringing
World 29 September 1978 pp.823-4, 6 October 1978 pp.847-8, and 13
October 1978 pp.877-8
Wratten, C., A. America : 'The First Peal in America' [Philadelphia
1850] in The Ringing World 2 July 1976 p.572
Wratten, Cyril A. Ashton-under-Lyne and Oldham : 'Ashton and Oldham
1740-1810' in The Ringing World 24/31 December 1976 pp.1092- 3, 7
January 1977 pp.19-20, 14 January 1977 pp.34-35, and 21 January 1977
Writtle : 'Writtle: its place in Essex ringing' by J.E.G. Roast in
Ringing World 1 June 1979 pp.449-51
Wroth, F. S. : Rings of Church Bells in the City of Plymouth
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