In your own home via Ringing Room and Zoom

Well this year will certainly be a Branch carol service with a difference!
We won't be singing any Christmas Carols or munching our way through mountains of mince pies, but instead
we have a host of fun things lined up for you as well as our usual Ringing Room/Zoom practice

To whet your appetite - there will be
Christmas Trivia Quiz
Tune ringing on virtual handbells
Scavenger Hunt
Method of the Month

Note: When you leave the back and come down to make seconds - this will be backstroke and handstroke

This practice will cater for all abilities from rounds upwards, so don't be shy, come and join us online via the following links:

Click on Ringing Room to Log in: https://ringingroom.com
Once logged in click on https://ringingroom.com/921678543/eagle to enter the tower
Click here for Zoom login
Zoom Passcode (if required): 736667

So switch the computer on, pull up a chair and come and join us! It will be lovely to just catch up with everyone

If you've not used Zoom or Ringing Room before, here are some step by step instructions on how to register and join in:

If you're new to Ringing Room please follow the below steps, but if you already have a Ringing Room login please skip to Step 3:

Step 1: Well before the meeting, open Chrome (or your favourite web browser) and go to www.ringingroom.com

Step 2: Register with and log into Ringing Room.

On the Day of the Meeting
Step 3:
Enter the "virtual" Eagle tower by clicking on this link: https://ringingroom.com/921678543/eagle

Step 4: Start the Zoom meeting by clicking on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83617559838?pwd=ZDdHdStod1NYUTJQdTNGZVdkSzVIZz09. If if requests a password use this 736667

If you already have the Zoom app on your PC, click on Launch Zoom Meeting
If you don't have the Zoom app, click "download and run Zoom". An executable file will download which you need to run. In Chrome this appears bottom left of your screen, and if using Edge, you will see a box appear at the bottom of your screen - just click on Run

You do not need to register with Zoom to join the meeting
Zoom will then install and you will be joined to the meeting.

If prompted, click "enable internet audio", and make sure your webcam is enabled so we can see you.

If you need help with any of the above, please call Sandra Underwood on 07710 772458 who will be pleased to help.

We look forward to seeing you next Saturday.

Best wishes.
Central Branch Committee