R.I.P. - Dennis Sutton
It is with much sadness that we announce that Dennis Sutton, for many years Tower Captain at St. Michael's, Waddington, has passed away.
Dennis's Funeral will take place at Lincoln Crematorium on Friday 30th January at 10:30am. This will be followed by a wake at the "Three Horseshoes" in Waddington, next to the church at which Dennis was Tower Captain. All are welcome at the Crematorium and at the wake afterwards, but if attending the wake please indicate your intention to attend so that the family can cater for the numbers. Please e-mail the present tower captain if you are coming and he will pass the information on to the family.
At the request of the family, it is intended that the local band will be ringing a quarter peal at Waddington Church as people arrive at the Three Horseshoes. It is anticipated that there will be an opportunity for some open ringing once the quarter peal is completed.
Jonathan Clark