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R.I.P - Canon Ernest G. Orland
With deep sadness, the Market Deeping ringers announce the death of Canon Ernest G Orland. Ernie passed away in the early hours of Friday 28 January after a short illness.
Canon Ernest G. Orland - Funeral
A Requiem Mass at will be held for Canon Ernest G. Orland at 11.00am on Friday 18th February at St Mary's Church, Stamford, Lincolnshire. This will be followed by a private cremation.
The Thanksgiving Service will take place at 2.30pm on Saturday 19th February at St Guthlac's Church, Market Deeping, Lincolnshire. Open ringing will take place before this service from 1.30pm and continue afterwards.
Emma Southerington

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Updated: 08 February 2011 (jc)
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