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RIP: Canon John Swaby
Many Lincolnshire ringers will remember with affection Canon Dr John Edwin Swaby, who died in February 2008. He was born at Withern in 1911. He served his curacy in Louth (1936-40), and he was incumbent of widely different parishes in Lincolnshire.
He was at Scunthorpe from 1940 to 1953, Mablethorpe from 1953 to 1960, Barton on Humber from 1960 to 1971 and Uffington, Tallington and Barholm from 1971 to 1976.
Most of the churches in which he served had rings of bells and he was always an enthusiastic supporter of bells and bell ringing.
He will be greatly missed by those of us who knew him.

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Created: 13 May 2008 (acah)
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