Guild AGM 2013 - 27th April 2013
The AGM this year followed the now familiar format of ringing at the Cathedral at 09:30 prior to the communion service in the Ringer's Chapel at 10:00. There were 38 communicants this year, which is identical to the number last year. The Very Reverend Philip Buckler, Dean of Lincoln Cathedral and of course President of the Lincoln Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers, conducted the communion service, assisted by Jonathan Clark.
We were again fortunate this year to have use of Bailgate Methodist Church's facilities for the meeting and lunch. The meeting was conducted in the body of the Methodist Church itself.
After the apologies for absence had been taken, the President led a short tribute to those members who had passed away in the previous year. The members were as follows:
Chris Carpenter - Quarrington & Silk Willoughby
Beryl Radley - Dunholme
Phil Pitchford - Brant Broughton & Lincoln Cathedral
John Savage - Baston
Michael Scott - Laceby
Jean Simms - Welton
William Adlard Smedley - Crowland
Des Underwood - Swinderby
The minutes of the previous AGM had been circulated in advance and there was no need to read it to the members present. The minutes of the last AGM were accepted as a true record.
The Central Branch Ringing Master (Richard Spencer) then took the floor to propose that Mick Stracey by elected an Honorary Life Member of the Guild. This was approved by the members present.
Next the non-resident life members were ratified as shown on in the Annual Report and after this, the Treasurer (Roger Lord) gave his report on the accounts. Membership continues to decline, but this has been factored into the finances. Nevertheless, this decline is a problem. Dot Mason was not available to present the report on the Bell Repair Fund so Margaret Parker stood in. In general the Bell Repair Fund is doing well. However Dot Mason has stated that she no longer wishes to continue as the Bell Repair Fund Administrator and is therefore giving notice of her intention to stand down. The accounts were approved by the members.
John Nicholson then spoke about the Guild Report. John took over last year and thanked the members for their support. The report this year was printed by the Pelican Trust and this has led to a substantial saving on the previous year. John thanked Margaret Neate for proof reading the final draft.
The election of officers then proceeded smoothly, with all officers re-elected apart from the 4 Central Council members. Sue Faull and Judith Rogers are standing down this year, but Robin Heppenstall and Philip Green were willing to remain on the committee if members were happy with this. Evidently they were as Robin and Philip were re-elected and Chris Turner and Chris Sharp were elected to make up the 4.
![]() Left to Right : Roger Lord (Treasurer), Alan Payne (Master), The Dean (President), and Sandra Underwood (Secretary) |
![]() The members vote |
Other Guild appointments were then ratified. The first of these were the members of the Grants Committee which are Alan Payne, Dot Mason, Robin Heppenstall, Michael Smith and Sandra Underwood. Ros Knight queried the fact that the Treasurer is not a member of the Grants Committee, but rule 3 of the BRF states that this should be the case. The Guild Master acknowledged that there were anomolies and that these were being addressed as part of the Guild Review. Apart from this the election of the above members to the Grants Committee was approved. The Trustees of the Bell Repair Fund (Alan Payne, Roger Lord, Dot Mason) were also ratifies as was the position of Webmaster currently held by Jonathan Clark.
The Guild Master (Alan Payne) then gave a short update on the Strategic Review, thanking those members who has responded. The analysis is available on the website here and the working committees are reviewing the data.
Robin Heppenstall then proposed a change of wording to rule 9(b). This requires that notice be given in the Ringing World of any proposed alteration, 14 days before any meeting to put it to the members. The proposed change removes the requirement to give notice in the Ringing World. The number of members who suscribe to the Ringing World is relatively low and it is not useful to make members aware in this way. Instead, branch secretaries will contact the tower representatives to ensure any intentions to changes rules are adequetely conveyed. This was accepted by the members with the proviso that the notification period be extended to 28 days from 14.
The meeting then turned to future events. The Guild are hosting the Ridgman Trophy this year at Surfleet on the 15th June. For further details here. The National Youth Striking Competition will be held in York this year on the 6th July. We are hoping to enter 2 teams of young ringers this year. Other events include the Guild 6 Bell Competition on the 14th September at Denton & Barrowby and the Interbranch 8 Bell competition on the 19th October at Kirton Lindsey. The test piece for the Interbranch 8 bell competition will be two courses of Plain Bob Triples, either two plain courses or any convenient touch.
The 100 club was then drawn, the results of which are here. The meeting then turned to any other business. The Guild President highlighted problems with the accuracy of Tower Correspondent data on the Website and the need to ensure accurate data is made available to the webmaster.
The Dean then thanked the members on behalf of all the clergy in the Diocese, for all that they do in bell towers across the county. Melvyn Rose gave the vote of thanks before the Dean formally closed the meeting at 11:55pm.
The meeting now being closed, the members assembled in the main hall for the lunch. This consisted of a choice of two soups and a selection of sandwiches, with cakes to follow and of course the inevitable tea and coffee.
![]() The members enjoy lunch |
![]() The Prize Draw at Saxilby |
After lunch there was ringing and Stow and Saxilby. The webmaster was unfortunately not able to attend this ringing, although there is a picture of the prize draw being drawn at Saxilby. The Prize Draw raffle winners were:
If anyone would like to put a few words together about the afternoon ringing for inclusion in this article, then please sent it to.
The webmaster eventually caught up with events at the evening ringing at Lincoln Cathedral, where a variety of ringing took place to cater for all abilities.

Ringing at the Cathedral
I'm confident that an excellent day was enjoyed by everyone who attended. Many thanks all those who strived to make it such an excellent day.
Jonathan Clark (Webmaster)