Guild AGM - 24th April 2010

Guild AGM 2011 - 30th April 2011

The AGM this year followed the now familiar format of ringing at the Cathedral at 09:30 prior to the communion service in the Ringer's Chapel at 10:00. There were 50 communicants this year, slightly down on last year's figure of 58. The Very Reverend Philip Buckler, Dean of Lincoln Cathedral and of course President of the Lincoln Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers, conducted the communion service.

We were again fortunate this year to have use of Bailgate Methodist Church's facilities for the meeting and lunch. The meeting was conducted in the body of the Methodist Church itself.

Items of interest included the following

The financial reports by Roger Lord for the General Fund and by Dot Mason for the Belfry Repair Fund, both indicated a predicted downturn in the Guild assets due to the current financial climate. The key point was that the financial situation had been anticipated and mitigating actions taken to attempt to minimise the effects on our accounts.

The meeting

Left to Right :
Roger Lord (Treasurer), Alan Payne (Master),
The Dean (President), Les Townsend (Secretary)

Two guild officers have now retired, namely the Secretary, Les Townsend and the Peals Secretary, Emma Southerington.

Les had of course indicated as early as the AGM last year that he was not going to stand as secretary in 2011, so there had been plenty of time to find a new candidate for the position. We in fact had two, these being Lorraine Jeffery and Sandra Underwood, either of whom would make a fine secretary. Voting papers were distributed to the members present and the votes counted. The result was that Sandra Underwood was elected as the new Secretary of the Guild. The retiring secretary, Les Townsend, was presented with a gift for his 19 years of service.

Les thanks the members

Emma had also indicated that she was not looking to continue her position as Peals Secretary. Emma was not present at the meeting, but she was thanked in her absence for her work over the last 5 years as Peals Secretary. Jim Benner was proposed and seconded as her replacement. There being no other candidates, Jim was voted in with a show of hands.

There has been a change to rule 3(d) to include the words "The Guild Committee will recommend appointment of a webmaster, who will be a Member of the Committee, for ratification at the Annual General Meeting each year."

The 100 club draw was held, the results of which can be found here.

The members enjoy Lunch

The meeting being concluded, the members moved into the main hall for an excellent buffet lunch, that had been organised by Dot Mason and her band of helpers. Many thanks to them.

Ringing at Bardney

Ringing at Bardney

The day's activities resumed in the afternoon at 14:00 with ringing at St. Lawrence, Bardney where the local tower captain, Mrs. Christine Jackson, ensured that a suitable range of methods was rung for all abilities. Ringing then moved to St. John's Washingborough, where Roger Lord looked after the ringing, the local tower captain being occupied with serving refreshments in the church.

Ringing at Washingborough

Ringing at Washingborough

The ringing then moved to the Cathedral at 16:30, pausing at 17:30 for Evensong in St. Hugh's Choir at the Cathedral. Many Guild members attended the service, which was a special service for the Installation of Philip Hamlyn Williams as the Clericus Capituli. The service was conducted by the Dean who was ably assisted by Fr. Gavin Kirk, the Precentor. The "musical accompaniment" was provided by the Open University Chapel Choir.

Ringing at The Cathedral

Ringing at The Cathedral

Further ringing at the Cathedral took place after Evensong, with methods ranging from Rounds and Call Changes and Plain Hunt on 11, to Bastow Little Bob Maximus, to touches of Stedman and Grandsire Cinques.

Ringing at The Cathedral

I'm confident that an excellent day was enjoyed by everyone who attended. Many thanks all those who strived to make it such an excellent day.

Jonathan Clark (Webmaster)