Striking Competition Rules - Guild Six Bell
The aim of the Competition is to encourage towers to improve the standard of their striking, particularly for Sunday Service ringing.
1. The contest is open to all towers within the Diocese of Lincoln.
2. All ringers must be members of the Guild.
No-one shall ring for more than one tower.
No tower shall enter a team containing fewer than four persons who regularly ring for Services at that tower.
3. The contest shall be on six bells and shall consist of 240 changes, either of minor or doubles with a cover.
Where the band is unable to ring methods, they may ring call changes.
No allowance is made for intricacy of method. For methods, exactly 240 changes shall be rung.
Teams ringing fewer, or more, than 240, shall be deemed to have rung out and will not be counted in the placings.
4. For call changes, the first row away from rounds will be taken to be the start.
The first 240 rows will be marked.
Within these 240 rows, 4 different bells must lead.
The changes of lead should be distributed across the whole test piece.
5. A period of three minutes will be allowed to enable the band to get the feel of the bells.
The bells must then be stood.
As a signal to the judge, a few strokes shall be rung on the treble immediately before the commencement of ringing the test piece.
6. The conductor may stop and re-start the attempt once, providing no more than thirty changes or half a minute of call changes have been rung.
The band will stand and the treble rung again as a signal of a restart.
A penalty of 10% of their faults shall be added on to make their final mark.
7. A clock will be provided in the ringing chamber for the use of contestants.
8. A steward will be available to assist, if requested, with the timing of the practice and may be asked to advise the band of the completion of the test piece.
9. The judge’s decision is final.
Rev2 Nov.2007