General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Statement

As members are aware we will be moving towards an online membership system. This statement is for the present process and will be updated to reflect the online process, once it becomes live. - (Webmaster)

The Lincoln Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers (LDGCB) holds the following personal data in order to maintain membership, tower contact, subscription and biographical records.

Membership Definitions

Member - A ringing member of the LDGCB

Honorary Life Member - A Member or Associate Member who has given outstanding service to the aims and objectives of the Guild is eligible for Honorary Life Membership

Non Resident Life Member - Either a competent change-ringer who is not resident in the Diocese of Lincoln or a Member of the Guild who ceases to meet the criteria of Rule 2a (minimum competency of ringing) is eligible for election as a Non Resident Life Member.

Associate Member - A non-ringer resident within the Diocese of Lincoln, who has actively supported the work of the Guild, is eligible for election as an Associate Member.

Who has Access to Your Data?

All Members

For all categories of membership (with one or two exceptions), the following have access to your membership data

Branch Secretary,
Branch Treasurer,
Guild Secretary,
Guild Treasurer,
Gift Aid Officer
Holds full membership and contact records for their members in their Branch. The Branch/Guild Treasurer and Gift Aid Officer will have records of subscription payments and if any member pays by Bank Transfer the Treasurer may also hold bank details. Details of any offices that a member may have held in the past are recorded in minutes from meetings held during their term of office. Details for Honorary Life Members and Non Resident Life Members will be held by the Guild Secretary and not by the Branch officers.
Report Secretary Holds names of members and the tower they are affiliated to, for publication in the Annual Report.

Exception: Non Resident Life Members and Associate Members
100 Club
If the member also subscribes to the 100 club, then the 100 Club Administrator also holds contact details including your name and sufficient information to contact the member in the event that they are a winner. Such information may include any combination of your address, phone number, email address and tower affiliation.
Peals Secretary Holds details of peals rung for the Guild, which will include the names of those who participated and also who conducted the peal. Names may include ringers from outside the Guild, but who have rung peals for the Guild. This is already in the public domain on Bellboard. The Peals Secretary also holds details concerning the payment of peal fees and whether any such fees are outstanding and who owes them.

Exception: Associate Members who by definition are non-ringers.

Tower Correpondents

If you are also a Tower Correspondent, the following will hold additional information to that recorded above for "All Members". Note that while most Tower Correspondents fall into one of the membership categories, it is possible that a Tower Correspondents may not be a member of the Guild (e.g. a Churchwarden or Parish Priest)

Report Secretary Holds appropriate contact information for each Tower Correspondent for the purposes of publishing contact details in the Annual Report. Contact information usually consists of a physical address and a telephone number.
Webmaster Holds appropriate contact information for each Tower Correspondent, for the purpose of publishing it on the website in the form of a PDF file. Also holds the personal e-mail address of the Tower Correspondent for the purposes of attaching it to an e-mail forwarder associated with the tower in question. Personal e-mail addresses are stored securely on the webserver and are only accessible by the webmaster.

Branch & Guild Officers

If you are also a Branch or Guild Officer, the following will hold additional information to that recorded above for "All Members"

Report Secretary Holds appropriate contact information for each Officer for the purposes of publishing contact details in the Annual Report. For individual Officers this will consist of name, physical address and phone number. Members of any Committees, Groups or Teams are generally listed by name only.
Webmaster Holds the personal e-mail address of each Officer for the purposes of attaching it to an e-mail forwarder associated with the office held in question. Personal e-mail addresses are stored securely on the webserver and are only accessible by the webmaster.
Guild/Branch Officers Officers of the Guild/Branch will hold the contact details (e-mail addresses, phone numbers) of other Guild/Branch Officers for the purposes of conducting Guild/Branch business.

Please note that if you are a LDGCB member, your name and tower will be published annually in our annual report.

Note: Tower Correspondent and Officers of the Guild do not have their personal e-mail addresses published anywhere on the website. E-mail forwarders are used to hide personal e-mail addresses from public view. All that the public sees is an e-mail address ending in ""

The LDGCB does not share your data with any third party.

Belfry Repair Fund

Belfry repair funds are managed at both the Branch and the Guild level. Towers may apply to either for a grant to assist in work on or in the belfry. If you apply for a grant, then your details will be held by the Administrator of the Fund you applied to, for the purposes of discerning eligibility for a grant and if successful for the later disbursement of the grant.

Belfry Repair Fund Affiliation Scheme

The Fund Administrator maintains a database which lists all the churches in the diocese that have three or more bells. For each church, personal details of a contact are held solely for the purpose of administering the Bell Repair Fund Affiliation scheme. This information is not shared with anyone.

The contact for a church is normally the Treasurer or Secretary of the Parochial Church Council, the Tower Correspondent, Bell Ringers' Secretary or Treasurer or, if no other up-to-date contact details can be found, the Parish Incumbent. The information is usually obtained from a previous year's remittance slip, otherwise from the public domain.

All the information held about you by the BRF is printed on the remittance slip.

This information is retained only until a new contact is provided for your church.

The legal basis for holding and processing data is "legitimate interests"

Accessing Your Data

You have a right to access your data. The easiest way to do this is to contact your Branch Secretary, who can forward enquiries to other officers of the Guild if necessary to action your enquiry. Details can be found in the Annual Report and the e-mail addresses will be found on the appropriate Branch page on the LDGCB website. In case of difficulty, please contact the Webmaster.

Data Processing

The LDGCB holds your personal data in order to maintain membership, tower contact, subscription and biographical records. We may contact you from time to time using information held regarding your membership status, or to make Guild announcements. We also use the information to produce our Annual Report, which every member is entitled to receive, and which members of the public may purchase for a small fee.

From time to time you may be asked to take part in a survey. The data for the survey will be held securely for the duration of the survey, and until the results have been assimilated. The results of the survey will be published and will not include any personal information, but just provide an overall view. The source data will be deleted once the results of the survey are published.

We hold your data under the following basis:

Data Retention Policy

If you are a member of the LDGCB, or have been in the past, we record your name, tower and any offices held as a Past Member indefinitely. When you cease to be a member of the LDGCB your subscription record and associated contact information (phone number, email address and postal address) will be retained for 6 years. After 6 years (in April, following publication of our Annual Report) your contact information will then be deleted.

If you have never been a member of the LDGCB, and your name is only recorded as being the contact person for a tower, all of your details will be removed in the April of the year after you were replaced (i.e. on publication of our Annual Report).

Data Security

All persons who hold records are required to have sufficient protection for the data they hold. This means computers with password protection and suitable firewall software. Paper records are stored in a lockable receptacle, like a filing cabinet or desk drawer.


In the first instance please contact the Webmaster (Jonathan Clark), Guild Secretary (Helen Brotherton) or Guild Master (Chris Turner). However, if you believe the LDGCB is not handling your data correctly, you also have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office.