BBC Music Day - 3rd June 2016

Bellringers have been invited by the BBC to take part in their Music Day on 3 June by ringing at 7:00pm that day. We hope there will be much coverage of ringing and do hope many bands will get in touch with the BBC to confirm they will be taking part. Please see details below from the BBC, together with details of who to contact. And please do encourage ringers in your area to get in touch with the BBC and to take part. We are hoping for a lot of coverage that day so you may want to put out your own press release and tell your local media what you are planning - there is generally a lot of local interest in local participation in national events so let�s make the most of this opportunity.

This may also create the opportunity to mention our other national ringing events this year - ringing for the Queen�s 90th birthday on 12 June and opening towers for tours as part of the Heritage Open Day weekend 9-11 September.

With all good wishes,

Kate Flavell Public Relations Officer (CCCBR)