June 2021 - A Summer Evening at Ufford

This story has its origins in the churchyard at Sutton St James when after ringing I overhear a few words of a conversation between Tony and Malcolm. I hear amongst others, the words “Ufford”----“a good four (bells)”----- “closed church”------ “my niece”--"The White Hart” . My interest is immediately excited.” How about an evening there, assuming I can arrange it”, I ask, “and would Thursday, June 10th” be convenient?

Well, readers, it was and so on that summer evening seven of us walked up the pathway to the south door of St Andrews Church , rising ground affording a lovely view of the surrounding countryside. We were welcomed by our hostess, Sally Hudson, who explained what had happened in recent years. Their final incumbent was in 1970, and over the years the congregation had decreased to eight “regulars”. Furthermore, the church has no running water, repairs to the structure were essential and with little money closure was threatened. Luckily the church was adopted by the Churches Conservation Trust who funded some £500,000 worth of repairs. It now has six priest lead services each year, plus weddings etc-better than complete closure.

The bells? As Tony mentioned they are indeed “a good four”, treble and No 2 by Taylor cast in 1896, with No 3 and the tenor by Richard Hille dated 1430. These latter two old bells are of remarkably good tone, far better than I would have expected of castings from that era. I know little of Hille apart from his foundry being in London. I hope our ringing did them justice.

“My niece” is Malcom’s and she happens to be the proprietor of The White Hart where we enjoyed her hospitality from a reserved table in a beautiful sunken courtyard, old stonework, valeriam flowers, the setting sun illuminated trees on a nearby hillside. Perhaps it was the beer but as I sat there-ah what a lovely evening. Our thanks to Sally for meeting us and her description of the church and to our bell ringing friends who contributed to a most enjoyable summer outing. Finally a special thanks to Terry who acted as chauffeur to Doug, Ken and myself. John Bennett

This story was added on 14 June 2021