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Guild 2007 AGM

2007 Guild AGM - 28 April

President, Master and Honorary Secretary

Above: The Guild President, Master and Secretary

More than a hundred members attended the Lincoln Guild AGM this year taking part in a very full day of events starting with Holy Communion in the Ringers’ Chapel at Lincoln Cathedral celebrated by the new Dean of Lincoln, the Very Reverend Philip Buckler.

JRKTerry and Jim

The Meeting conferred Honorary Life Membership on Terence Maddison of Thurlby, James Benner of Bourne and John Ketteringham of Lincoln, all having given long and significant service to the Guild and were congratulated on their election.

Dean Buckler graciously accepted nomination and election to the office of Guild President and we welcome him and look forward to working with him following in the footsteps of successive Deans of Lincoln since the formation of the Guild in 1899.

Our thanks go to Denis Frith, Master Emeritus, who has filled the office of President since the retirement of Dean Alec Knight.  Only one other past master, Jack Millhouse, has fulfilled this role.  Denis has very generously provided a trophy, named “The Henry Law-James Shield”, to be competed for each year in an Inter-Branch 8-bell Striking Competition.  The event will perpetuate the memory of the first Master of the Guild, the Rev Henry Law-James of Surfleet.

All Guild Officers were re-elected and the ballot for four Central Council Representatives resulted in Judith Rogers being elected to join Sue Faull, Robin Heppenstall and Les Townsend.  Thanks were accorded to Sarah Andrew who declined nomination this time due to family commitments.

Emma Southerington and Philip Green made a lap-top presentation of the new Guild web-site, now up and running, with appreciation of all the hard work put in by Aidan Hopkins, Peter Trotman and John Ketteringham in getting it on line.

Ian Till outlined the enormous progress made with the Guild Publicity and Recruitment Project sine the Guild received a grant of £8600 from “Awards for All”.  The “Wombel” has been put to good use across the County already and the six bell portable simulator tower is now available for full use.  Members were to have the opportunity to “ring” on it at Stow after the Inter-Branch Striking Contest and tea.

Simulator at Stow

Following the AGM and a splendid buffet lunch the bells at St Giles, Lincoln Cathedral, Willingham by Stow and Hackthorn were available progressively throughout the afternoon for general ringing.

Central Branch won the Striking Competition at Stow with the West Lindsey Branch, in whose area the tower is situated, the runners-up.  It was a very close run contest throughout, with five of the six branches competing with some excellent striking and our thanks go to Aidan Hopkins for determining the medals; no easy task.

Les Townsend

Hon Guild Secretary

2007 Striking Competition

Winning band - Central Branch:

Les Townsend 1, Sandra Rhodes 2, Fiona Dawson 3, Judy Williamson 4, Chris Woodcock 5, Sylvia Taylor 6, Mick Stracey 7, Phil Mason 8