Same Ringer � 50 years on
By Philip Dawson
From The Ringing World 9 February 2007
Left to right : Philip Dawson, William Dawson, Fiona Dawson, Brian Smith, John Bundy, David Fox
One practice night during the year we noticed the peal board on the wail. "Hey John is that you on the second?" A reply to the affirmative and the realisation that it was nearly 50 years ago and the same ringer is still very actively ringing with us today, could not go without notice. So the idea for a repeat performance using local ringers was born. William learnt seven different callings and these were practised in a couple of quarters around Christmas.
We met at 10 am and a peal was rung with few trips. By careful pacing of the extents we were able to exactly match the duration of the original peal with John ringing on the same bell. Although no firsts, it was the first peal for several years for some members of the band.
We have since learned that the original peal was John's first (he rang another a couple of years later - 4 minor) and Brian's last peal was 46 years ago.
The use of all local ringers for the peal is a rarity for our village and has given rise to considerable local interest.
Details of both peals are shown below :