2006 Lincoln Guild AGM
The Annual Meeting of the LDG was held in Lincoln on 29th April 2006 and was the best attended in recent years. As is traditional, the day started with Holy Communion in the Ringers' Chapel at the Cathedral. The Business Meeting took place in St Giles's Church and the Master, Sue Faull, gave a particular welcome to Aidan Hopkins who, although now living in the South has always tried to attend this meeting but missed last year owing to a very serious illness. Barbara Rand and A Robin Heppenstall were elected to Honorary Life Membership of the Guild and Emma Southerington is now Peal Secretary. All other officers were re-elected.
In her presentation of the Annual Report the Master said how good it was that there was so much activity and enthusiasm throughout the Guild with particular emphasis on the large number of young ringers. It was confirmed that the subscription for adults remains at £10 per annum. Junior members and those in full-time education pay £3. Associate and Non-Resident Life Members pay £5. The peal fee remains at 25p per rope.
The acquisition of the Saxilby Simulator as the focal point of an interactive, mobile display about bellringing was discussed with enthusiasm and it was agreed that this would be a tremendous help in recruiting ringers around the Guild and making the general public aware of what bellringing is all about. Grants are being sought for this initiative.
Sue thanked Trevor Hardcastle for the hard work involved in compiling and editing the Annual Report and also Phil Green for designing an excellent cover and printing once again such a fine quality publication.
After lunch a new venture took place � an eight=bell Striking Competition at Washingborough. This was judged by Derek Tysoe who announced the results later in the day. It was good that all six Branches of the Guild were able to take part. The test piece was a plain course of Cambridge, and the Southern Branch came first with the Eastern Branch worthy runners-up. Whilst waiting for the results three members rang a handbell peal in the church vestry!
The 2006 8-bell Striking Competition winners from the Southern Branch
(Left to right) Canon Ernest Orland, Sarah Andrews, Alan Payne,
Jim Benner, Jonathan Clegg, Emma Southerington, Chris Sharp,
Paul Andrews.
General ringing for those not taking part in the Striking Contest took place during the afternoon at Potterhanworth, Branston and on the 'Pots'. Ringing at the Cathedral took place both before and after evensong.
So ended a very full but enjoyable day.