2024 Quarter Peals

Monday, 27 January 2025

Alford, St Wilfrid

1260 Mixed Doubles (2m) in 40m (12-1-24 in F#)

600 Grandsire, 660 Plain Bob
  1. Emma M Williamson
  2. Caitlin A Meyer
  3. Thomas Gaskins
  4. Benjamin J Day
  5. Benjamin Rothwell (C)
  6. Andrew Douglas
First quarter peal at first attempt: 1
Rung also to celebrate Thomas' recent completion of their Master's degree with a Distinction in Mechanical Engineering.

Friday, 27 December 2024

Freiston, St James

1260 Doubles (1p/5m/v) in 47m (14-1-4 in E)

60 Stedman, 240’s Reverse Canterbury, St Nicholas, Plain Bob, St Simon’s, St Martins
  1. George T Pickwell
  2. Christine Higginson
  3. Joanne Pearson
  4. Keith C Butter
  5. Anthony D Walker (C)
  6. Robert J Ingamells
1st quarter peal of multi-doubles- 2
In honour of Nicholas Love (aka Nicholas Luff) a monk at Freiston Priory died c.1424 (some dates vary) who later became Prior of Mount Grace priory in Yorkshire. He translated the popular 14th century Franciscan devotional Meditations on the Life of Christ from Latin to English as "Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ" an important Middle English translation. It is thought that he did much of this work whilst at Freiston Priory.

Friday, 27 December 2024

Sutterton, St Mary the Blessed Virgin

1344 St Simon's Bob Triples in 47m (12-1-19 in F)

Composed by D F Morrison
  1. Valerie S Wild
  2. Joanne Pearson
  3. Luke Tobin
  4. Keith C Butter
  5. Anthony D Walker
  6. Robert Simpson
  7. James E Benner (C)
  8. Robert J Ingamells
First in method: 4, and as conductor.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Frampton, St Mary

5040 Surprise Minor (7m) in 3h (12-2-26 in F#)

1 extent each Carlisle, London, Westminster, Beverley, York, Cambridge, Norwich; 7 callings
  1. Anthony D Walker
  2. Paul M Mason (C)
  3. James E Benner
  4. Peter J Waterfield
  5. Frank W Rivett
  6. P Barry Jones
250th peal together for the guild: 3 & 6.
Rung in thanksgiving for the life of Ian D G B Ansell, local ringer & former tower captain at Sutterton.

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Sutterton, St Mary the Blessed Virgin

1260 Plain Bob Doubles in 42m (12-1-19 in F)

  1. Antony Wakefield
  2. Valerie S Wild
  3. Joanne Pearson (C)
  4. Brian Plummer
  5. David Collin
  6. David Reynolds
For advent
First quarter peal at first attempt - 1 (Eastern)

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Swineshead, St Mary

1260 Plain Bob Triples (16-2-10 in F)

Roger Bailey no. 1 reduced
  1. Sylvia M Bird
  2. Joanne Pearson
  3. Valerie S Wild
  4. David Collin
  5. Wayne N Francis
  6. Alan D H Bird
  7. Keith C Butter (C)
  8. David Reynolds
Rung in memory of Michael Reynolds who died on 1st December 2023- ringer at this tower

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Sutterton, St Mary the Blessed Virgin

1260 Plain Bob Triples (12-1-19 in F)

Composed by - Roger Bailey's No1 reduced
  1. Brian Plummer
  2. Christine M Higginson
  3. Joanne Pearson
  4. Phil Smith
  5. Anthony D Walker
  6. Michael Belcher
  7. Keith Butter (C)
  8. Philip Walters
First on eight , 2 and 8 (eastern) Rung on Guild Dinner Day

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Alford, St Wilfrid

1260 Plain Bob Minor in 43m (12-1-24 in F#)

  1. Charles W J Macrorie
  2. Joanne Pearson
  3. Keith C Butter
  4. Martin Jones
  5. Robert J Ingamells
  6. Benjamin Rothwell (C)
Rung to coincide with the Lincoln Guild Eastern Branch's race night fundraiser.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Frampton, St Mary

1260 Doubles (4m,1p) in 45m (12-2-26 in F#)

60 Stedman, 240 each Grandsire, St Simons, St Martins, 480 Plain Bob Doubles
  1. Joanne Pearson
  2. Robert Simpson
  3. Anthony D Walker
  4. Luke Tobin
  5. Christopher M Bennett (C)
  6. Lucas J Owen

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Halton Holegate, St Andrew

1260 Doubles (3m/v) in 43m (15-0-15 in F)<

3 extents plus 60 Grandsire Doubles 3 extents April day 4 extents plain bob
  1. Charles W J Macrorie
  2. Amy R Dixon
  3. Peter S Abbott (C)
  4. Benjamin Rothwell
  5. Mark Giddings
  6. Alex Addy
just because we can!

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Boston, St Botolph

1344 Plain Bob Major in 55m (21-1-10 in E♭)

  1. Robert J Ingamells
  2. Michael Belcher
  3. Ruth Smith
  4. Anthony D Walker
  5. Joanne Pearson
  6. Keith C Butter
  7. Benjamin Rothwell (C)
  8. Greg Harrison
Rung following the Graduation Ceremony for Boston College. Also for the 15th wedding anniversary of Greg and Natalie Harrison.

Monday, 26 August 2024

Alford, St Wilfrid

1260 Plain Bob Minor in 43m (12-1-24 in F#)

  1. Sylvia M Bird
  2. Joanne Pearson
  3. Andrew Douglas
  4. Caitlin A Meyer
  5. Alan D H Bird
  6. Keith C Butter (C)
First quarter of minor inside- 3 (eastern) Congratulations to Daniel Meyer and Victoria Halford on their engagement

Langton by Partney, St Peter and St Paul

1272 Norwich Surprise Minor (8-3-23 in G)

  1. Alan D H Bird
  2. Sylvia M Bird
  3. Caitlin A Meyer
  4. Keith C Butter
  5. Joanne Pearson
  6. Anthony D Walker (C)
Rung on a sunny Bank Holiday afternoon followed by a picnic in the churchyard in the absence of our four legged friendly sheep !!

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Addlethorpe, St Nicholas

1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor in 44m (10-2-12 in F)

Composed by Bjørn E Bradstock (R1)
  1. Tony W Barker
  2. Natasha A Williams (C)
  3. Alex Addy
  4. Jemima C Bleackley
  5. Patrick W J Deakin
  6. Joseph E T Waters
First Surprise: 3

Saturday, 24 August 2024

Halton Holegate, St Andrew

1260 Double Oxford Bob Minor in 45m (15-0-1in F)

  1. Natasha A Williams
  2. Alex Addy
  3. Jemima C Bleackley
  4. David I Braunton
  5. Patrick W J Deakin
  6. Joseph E T Waters (C)
Rung with best wishes to Caitlin Meyer on her 53rd birthday

Langton by Partney, St Peter and St Paul

1440 Allenson Delight Minor in 45m (8-3-2in G)

  1. Alex Addy
  2. David I Braunton
  3. Jemima C Bleackley
  4. Natasha A Williams
  5. Patrick W J Deakin (C)
  6. Joseph E T Waters
Dedicated to Les and Jean Allenson, long time residents of this village and grandparents of the tenor ringer Allenson Delight Minor: -36-14---16.34-34.56,12

Spilsby, St James

1440 Yorkshire Block Delight Minor in 55m (11-2-17 in G)

  1. Jemima C Bleackley
  2. Alex Addy
  3. Joseph E T Waters
  4. Natasha A Williams
  5. Patrick W J Deakin
  6. David I Braunton (C)
Rung in memory of Robert Smith of Stafford First quarter of Treble Dodging: 2

Sutterton, St Mary the Blessed Virgin

1260 Plain Bob Doubles in 44m (12-1-19 in F)

  1. Ruth Smith
  2. Christine Higginson
  3. Joanne Pearson
  4. Keith C Butter
  5. Greg Harrison (C)
  6. Robert J Ingamells

Wainfleet St Mary, St Mary the Blessed Virgin

1260 Plain Bob Doubles in 40m (11-0-in G)

  1. K John Turner
  2. Isabel Barker
  3. Greg Harrison
  4. James A Barker
  5. Tony W Barker (C)
On the back five after meeting one short.

Thursday, 8 August 2024

Langton-by-Partney, St Peter and St Paul
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1320 Spliced Plain Bob Doubles and Minor in 44m (8-3-23)

(Changing method every 120, 10 com, containing 720 Minor & 600 Doubles, starting and ending in Minor, with the tenor being the cover bell in Doubles.)
  1. David W Bee
  2. Robert H Harvey
  3. Heather B Shaw
  4. Tristan C Shaw
  5. Paul Sharp
  6. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
First of Spliced Minor & Doubles for all except the Conductor.

Friday, 2 August 2024

Gunby, St Peter
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1260 Clifford's Pleasure Doubles in 40m (6-2-21)

(being 10 ext & 60)
  1. Paul Sharp
  2. David W Bee
  3. Robert H Harvey
  4. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  5. Michael Christie
Rung in the afternoon to entertain the visitors to the National Trust's Gunby Hall & Gardens, the Church standing within the grounds of Gunby Hall. First quarter peal in the variation:2 & 3.

Monday, 29 July 2024

Freiston, St James

1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor in 47m (14-1-4 in E)

  1. Casey McLellan
  2. James Ramsbottom
  3. Neal T Dodge
  4. Lucy Gwynne
  5. Andrew Brown
  6. John Gwynne (C)
Completes all 366 dates of the year to quarters: 6
500th quarter peal: 3.

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Freiston, St James

1260 Plain Bob Doubles in 45m (14-1-4 in E)

  1. David Reynolds
  2. Christine Higginson
  3. Joanne Pearson (C)
  4. Greg Harrison
  5. Luke TobinM
  6. Simon Pearson
Rung before the Patronal festival service

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Gunby, St Peter
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1260 Southrepps Doubles in 41m (6-2-21)

(being 10 ext & 60)
  1. Paul Sharp
  2. Robert H Harvey
  3. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  4. David W Bee
  5. Michael Christie
Rung in the morning for the National Garden Scheme Open Gardens to entertain the visitors to the National Trust's Gunby Hall & Gardens, the Church standing within the grounds of Gunby Hall. Circled the tower to quarter peals, and as conductor: 3. First quarter peal in the variation: 4.

Gunby, St Peter
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1260 Doubles (1m/1v) in 40m (6-2-21)

(being: 5 exts & 60, all called diff of GRANDSIRE & 5 exts of APRIL DAY.)
  1. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  2. Robert H Harvey
  3. David W Bee
  4. Paul Sharp
  5. Michael Christie
Rung in the afternoon for the National Garden Scheme Open Gardens to entertain the visitors to the National Trust's Gunby Hall & Gardens, the Church standing within the grounds of Gunby Hall. During the day we had many spectators come through the Church to watch us ring.

Saturday, 20 July 2024

Freiston, St James

1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor in 50m (14-1-in E)

  1. Sylvia M Bird
  2. Caitlin A Meyer
  3. Alan D H Bird
  4. Keith C Butter
  5. Joanne Pearson (C)
  6. Anthony D Walker
First quarter peal of surprise minor as conductor. 21st birthday compliments to James Pearson

Thursday, 18 July 2024

Gunby, St Peter
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1440 Doubles (2m) in 40m (6-2-21)

(being, 720 - exts each of: St Martin's Bob & St Simon's Bob.)
  1. Robert H Harvey
  2. Paul Sharp
  3. David W Bee
  4. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  5. Michael Christie
Rung in the afternoon to entertain the visitors to the National Trust's Gunby Hall & Gardens, the Church standing within the grounds of Gunby Hall.

Langton-by-Partney, St Peter and St Paul
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1440 Plain Bob Minor in 47m (8-3-23)

(being two 720's - 92 calls in total) Composed by J F Penning
  1. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  2. Robert H Harvey
  3. David W Bee
  4. Yvonne A Woodcock
  5. Michael Christie
  6. Paul Sharp
Rung in memory of Captain Matthew Flinders RN, on the eve of the anniversary of his death - 19th July 1814. Flinders was married to Ann Chappelle at neighbouring Partney Church on 17th April 1801, shortly before he set sail for his Exploration of Australia.

Friday, 28 June 2024

St Peter and St Paul, Langton-by-Partney
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1440 Plain Bob Minor in 47m (8-3-23)

(being two different 720s - 74 calls in total)
Composed by Roger Bailey
  1. Heather B Shaw
  2. David W Bee
  3. Robert H Harvey
  4. Tristan C Shaw
  5. Paul Sharp
  6. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
Rung to celebrate the Patronal Festival on the eve of the feast of St Peter & St Paul.

St Peter, Gunby
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1260 St Simon's Bob Doubles in 40m (6-2-21)

(being 10 exts - 8 diff callings, & a 60.)
  1. Robert H Harvey
  2. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  3. David W Bee
  4. Paul Sharp
  5. Michael Christie
Rung in the afternoon to entertain the visitors to the National Trust's Gunby Hall & Gardens, the Church standing within the grounds of Gunby Hall.
To celebrate the Patronal Festival on the eve of the feast of St Peter and in memory of Ray Ayres - benefactor of the bells

Saturday, 8 June 2024

Boston, St Botolph

1259 Grandsire Caters in 50m (21-1-10 in Eb)

  1. Susan Wells
  2. Bjorn E Bradstock
  3. Michael Belcher
  4. Ralph H G Collins
  5. Phill A Butler
  6. Claire C Nicholson
  7. Alan D Pink (C)
  8. Greg Harrison
  9. Stephen R T Pocock
  10. Daniel J Morgan
Off '1001' from Hastings

Saturday, 1 June 2024

Gunby, St Peter
Robin Hood Society

1260 Grandsire Doubles in 42m (6-2-21)

(being: 10 exts - all called diff & 60.)
  1. Lynda M Lazzerini
  2. Jane A Aked
  3. Colin Aked
  4. David W F Lazzerini
  5. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
Rung for the annual Gunby Hall Rose Week.

1320 Doubles (2m/1v) in 42m (6-2-21)

(being: 3 exts of Grandsire and 4 exts each of April Day & Plain Bob, all called differently.)
  1. Paul Sharp
  2. Colin Aked
  3. Jane A Aked
  4. Michael Christie
  5. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
Rung for the annual Gunby Hall Rose Week.

Friday, 31 May 2024

Gunby, St Peter
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1320 St Martin's Bob Doubles in 42m (6-2-21)

(being 9 exts - 8 diff callings & 240.)
  1. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  2. Owen G Peters
  3. David W Bee
  4. Paul Sharp
  5. Michael Christie
Rung for the annual Gunby Hall Rose Week and in memory of Eddie Gasson former Churchwarden who died in 2020 and is buried just outside the Church door.

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Gunby, St Peter
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1260 Doubles (1m/1v) in 37m (6-2-21)

(being: 5 exts of April Day and 4 exts & 180 of Plain Bob, all called differently.)
  1. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  2. Heather B Shaw
  3. David W Bee
  4. Tristan C Shaw
  5. Paul Sharp
Rung for the annual Gunby Hall Rose Week.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Gunby, St Peter
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1260 Plain Bob Doubles in 39m (6-2-21)

(being: 9 exts & 180.)
  1. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  2. Tess Rowland
  3. Paul Sharp
  4. Tristan C Shaw
  5. Owen G Peters
Rung for the annual Gunby Hall Rose Week.

Monday, 27 May 2024

Gunby, St Peter
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1260 April Day Doubles in 37m (6-2-21)

(being 10 exts & 60)
  1. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  2. Paul Sharp
  3. Yvonne A Woodcock
  4. Tristan C Shaw
  5. Heather B Shaw
Rung for the annual Gunby Hall Rose Week, today being 'Regency Day' with people dressed in period costume.

1260 Grandsire Doubles

(Being: 6 exts - each called differently, and two 240's by Leslie W G Morris - again each called differently.)
  1. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  2. Paul Sharp
  3. Heather B Shaw
  4. Tristan C Shaw
  5. Yvonne A Woodcock
Rung for the annual Gunby Hall Rose Week, today being 'Regency Day' with people dressed in period costume.

Sunday, 26 May 2024

Gunby, St Peter
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1260 Plain Bob Doubles in 40m (6-2-21)

(being: 9 exts & 180.)
  1. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  2. Yvonne A Woodcock
  3. David W Bee
  4. Robert H Harvey
  5. Paul Sharp
Rung for the annual Gunby Hall Rose Week.

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Langton-by-Partney, St Peter and St Paul
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1380 Plain Bob Minor in 45m (8-3-23)

(being: 720 & 660)
  1. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  2. Robert H Harvey
  3. David W Bee
  4. Yvonne A Woodcock
  5. Michael Christie
  6. Paul Sharp
Rung in memory of John Stephen Langton Esq. marking the anniversary of his death (16th May 1833 aged 38). The present six bells were the gift of John Stephen Langton Esq. being cast at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry by Thomas Mears in 1825.

Monday, 6 May 2024

Alford, St Wilfrid

1260 Minor (2m) in 42m (12-1-24 in F#)

720 Cambridge and 540 Plain bob
  1. Robert J Ingamells
  2. Sylvia M Bird
  3. Caitlin A Meyer
  4. Keith C Butter
  5. Alan D H Bird (C)
  6. Joanne Pearson
1025th Quarter- 2
To celebrate the construction of a new garden bench

Langton by Partney, St Peter and St Paul

1260 Doubles (4m) in 42m (8-3-23 in G)

60 Grandsire, 360 each St Simons and St Martins, 480 Plain Bob
  1. Alan D H Bird (C)
  2. Robert J Ingamells
  3. Sylvia M Bird
  4. Caitlin A Meyer
  5. Joanne Pearson
  6. Keith C Butter
First quarter of multi doubles affected by calls - 2 (Eastern)

Saturday, 4 May 2024

Fishtoft, St Guthlac

1260 Plain Bob Minor in 45m (12-2-9 in F#)

  1. Colin Simpson
  2. Sylvia M Bird
  3. Robert J Ingamells
  4. Alan D H Bird
  5. Joanne Pearson (French) (C)
  6. Keith C Butter
First quarter peal of plain bob minor (1) (Eastern)
For the 125th anniversary of the formation of the
The band wish to associate Greg Harrison with this quarter peal for helping the conductor .
Congratulations to Boston United on their win today

Monday, 29 April 2024

Boston, St Botolph

1292 Hunslet Bob Caters in 50m (21-1-10 in Eb)

  1. Joanne French
  2. Caitlin A Meyer
  3. Michael Belcher
  4. Owen G Peters
  5. David I Braunton
  6. Keith C Butter
  7. Luke Tobin
  8. Anthony D Walker
  9. Greg Harrison (C)
  10. Paul R Barker
8th birthday compliments to Daniel Harrison, son of the conductor
Rung prior to the induction service of the new vicar of Boston on the 125th anniversary of the formation of the Guild by members of the Eastern, Central, Southern and Elloe Deaneries branches of the Guild
First in method- 2,4 and 5 ((Eastern, Central and Southern branches)

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Langton-by-Partney, St Peter and St Paul
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1440 Grandsire Doubles in 47m (8-3-23)

(Being: four 240's by Leslie W G Morris - each called differently, and 4 exts - again each called differently, 120 calls in total.)
  1. Heather B Shaw
  2. Robert H Harvey
  3. Paul Sharp
  4. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  5. Tristan C Shaw
  6. David W Bee
First quarter together inside to Grandsire Doubles for 2 & 5 after both learning the method together at three focused practices during March and after ringing their first quarters in the method individually in two quarters last week. Also their longest length in the method and most calls.

Thursday, 11 April 2024

Langton-by-Partney, St Peter and St Paul
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1260 April Day Doubles in 40m (8-3-23)

(being 10 exts & 60)
  1. Paul Sharp
  2. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  3. David W Bee
  4. Heather B Shaw
  5. Tristan C Shaw
  6. Robert H Harvey
First quarter in the variation for: 5. Well Done Tristan!

Langton-by-Partney, St Peter and St Paul
Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1320 April Day Doubles in 43m (8-3-23)

(being 11 exts)
  1. Paul Sharp
  2. Robert H Harvey
  3. David W Bee
  4. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
  5. Heather B Shaw
  6. Tristan C Shaw
First quarter in the variation for: 3.
750th quarter: 2.

Monday, 1 April 2024

Halton Holegate, St Andrew

1320 Doubles (5m/v) (15-0-15 in F)

April Day, St Simons, St Martins, Plain Bob and Grandsire
  1. Robert J Ingamells
  2. Joanne French
  3. Caitlin A Meyer
  4. Keith C Butter
  5. Greg Harrison (C)
  6. Colin Simpson
The band wishes to associate the Barker family with this quarter.
First quarter peal on the bells following refurbishment

Thursday, 14 March 2024

Langton-by-Partney, St Peter and St Paul

Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1440 Plain Bob Minor in 49m (8-3-23)

  1. Heather Shaw
  2. David W Bee
  3. Tristan C Shaw
  4. Yvonne A Woodcock
  5. Paul Sharp
  6. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
Specially arranged for Tristan (3) this time to focus on Singles, this being an all singles composition - 84 of them in total.
Dedicated to the memory of Patrick The Right Honourable The Lord Cormack who passed away on 25th February aged 84 and whose funeral takes place at Lincoln Cathedral on 25th March.

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Freiston, St James

1272 Norwich Surprise Minor in 46m (14-1-4 in E)

  1. Greg Harrison
  2. Michael J Belcher
  3. Joanne French
  4. Keith C Butter
  5. Luke Tobin
  6. Anthony D Walker (C)
Rung for the sponsored "camp out" in the churchyard in aid of homeless veterans by the We'll Meet Again WW2 Museum, Freiston.

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Sutterton, St Mary the Blessed Virgin

1250 Cambridge Surprise Major in 47m (12-1-19 in F)

  1. Robert J Ingamells
  2. Ruth Smith
  3. Joanne French
  4. Robert Simpson
  5. Alan D H Bird
  6. Luke Tobin
  7. Keith C Butter
  8. Greg Harrison (C)
Specially arranged to celebrate the birthday of the treble ringer- happy birthday Robert
Birthday wishes also to Shirley Ingamells and David Reynolds whose birthdays are also today

Thursday, 22 February 2024

Langton-by-Partney, St Peter and St Paul

Saint Andrew's and All Saints Society

1260 Plain Bob Minor in 40m (8-3-23)

  1. Yvonne A Woodcock
  2. Tristan C Shaw
  3. Heather Shaw
  4. David W Bee
  5. Paul Sharp
  6. Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
Specially arranged for Tristan (2) to ring his first quarter of Minor inside, well done Tristan!

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Butterwick, St Andrew

1260 Plain Bob Minor in 45m (9-3-12 in G)

  1. Rebecca M J Carr
  2. Ruth Smith
  3. Joanne French
  4. Robert J Ingamells
  5. Keith Butter
  6. Greg Harrison (C)
Rung to celebrate Charlotte Reynolds 30th birthday tomorrow, on the 15th.February.
Audrey Harrison wishes to be associated with this quarter peal.

Sunday, 4 February 2024

Alford, St Wilfrid

1260 Plain Bob Doubles in 43m (12-1-24 in F#)

  1. Thomas Gaskins
  2. Sally J Sivil
  3. Andrew Douglas
  4. Richard D Willoughby
  5. Benjamin Rothwell (C)
  6. Caitlin A Meyer
1st quarter peal: 1
Rung in memory of Thomas' mum who sadly passed away mid December.

Monday, 8 January 2024

Alford, St Wilfrid

1260 Plain Bob Doubles in 42m (12-1-24 in F#)

  1. Benjamin Rothwell
  2. Sally J Sivil
  3. Julia Pentelow
  4. Richard D Willoughby
  5. Caitlin A Meyer (C)
  6. Andrew Douglas
Farewell to Julia and many thanks for being a part of the Alford Band.
Celebrating the life of Michael Reynolds, Michael's big smile and lovely nature will live on in the hearts of all that knew him.

Saturday, 6 January 2024

Swineshead, St Mary

1260 Plain Bob Triples in 52m (16-2-10 in F)

  1. Robert J Ingamells
  2. Ruth Smith
  3. Joanne French
  4. Rebecca M J Carr
  5. Michael Belcher
  6. Keith C Butter
  7. Greg Harrison (C)
  8. Charles Macrorie
Rung half muffled before the funeral of Michael Reynolds
This was followed by general ringing by ringers from Swineshead, the Boston area group and the Lincoln guild
We would like to associate the quarter with everyone who rang today, and those who were unable to.