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Broughton - Scouting Centenary

Young Ringers for Broughton following Scouting Centenary celebrations

Collaboration between the Bell Ringers of St Mary’s, Broughton and the 1st Broughton Scout Group, North Lincolnshire, to celebrate the Scouting Centenary has been a success on many levels reports Broughton Tower Captain Jo Hoare.

The partnership, which was developed over a number of months in the run-up to August’s celebrations, saw visits to the Bell Tower by the Scout Group; the ringing of a commemorative peal and involvement in both the local Scouting Sunrise and Sunset Ceremonies. Most pleasing of all, the band can now boast 5 members of the local Scout Group amongst its newest ringers.

Jo became Tower Captain at Broughton in April of this year. She contacted Group Scout Leader Harry Mortimer early in the summer to discuss the opportunity of a joint celebration.

Jo said “The Scouting Centenary was a great opportunity to publicise both bell ringing and Scouting in our local area. We were keen to make our Tower more accessible within the community, to encourage some of our local young people to see what bell ringing is all about, and perhaps even recruit our next generation of ringers.” Explorer Scout Joe Steede had already joined the band earlier in the year, which acted as further encouragement for the younger Scouts.

The Scouts visited the Tower in July, which included an overview of bell ringing history, bell mechanics, an opportunity to see the bells, a demonstration by local ringers and a chance for the Scouts to chime a bell under supervision. At the end of the evening, each Scout was given an open invitation to return during a forthcoming Tower practice night.

On Saturday 28th July, a peal was rung at Broughton as a compliment to the 1st Broughton Scout Group for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Scouting Movement, and included a number of variations that were rung for the first time.

The band rang during the Official Scouting Sunrise Ceremony on 1st August and attended the 1st Broughton Scouts Sunset Ceremony and BBQ. During this ceremony, Jo presented the Scout Group with a commemorative certificate to mark the ringing of the peal.

Two months on from the beginning of this initiative, the Broughton Scouts are progressing well in the early stages of their ringing careers. They are showing real commitment and enthusiasm to develop their skills.

Reflecting on her first few months as a new Tower Captain, Jo said “The work we did with 1st Broughton Scouts was really pleasing. We have gained some new young ringers to join our band, some great new friends and invaluable support for our Tower. I feel we have raised awareness and the profile of ringing within our community.” Harry Mortimer, in a letter of thanks to Jo and the local band, said he was “absolutely delighted” with the joint plans to mark the Centenary.

Jo is rightly pleased with the outcome that this venture has had within Broughton, but is under no illusion that further hard work to motivate and retain these young ringers will be the next challenge. As part of her commitment to them, she has already secured the agreement of the local band to change practice nights to avoid clashing with Scout meeting night.

Jo concludes “The best quote I have heard from a fellow ringer about the impact of the arrival of our new young ringers is that they bring ‘energy to the Tower’. I am confident that this energy is a good sign for the future at Broughton.”


Broughton Scouts


Group Scout Leader (1st Broughton) Harry Mortimer, receives a certificate from Broughton (St Mary’s) Tower Captain Jo Hoare to commemorate the ringing of a peal on 28th July 2007 to celebrate the Scouting Centenary. They are joined by their newly recruited bell ringing Scouts.

Back Row L-R: Joe Steede (Explorer Scout), Group Scout Leader Harry Mortimer, Tower Captain Jo Hoare, Kieran Dawson (Scout)

Front Row L-R: Jordan Sykes (Scout), Kurtis Finning (Scout), Matt Hoare (Cub Scout)

Mick Hoare